Prologue: A New Beginning

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Once there was a planet floating in the endless river of space. It had nothing except total darkness. Time was irrelevant to this planet for it was lifeless. Everything was the same for it, nothing special. Then the unexpected happened. Within a distance, a group of mysterious beings was heading towards it. They dashed through space like beams of light, briefly shining the area as they were passing by. Shortly after, they arrive and were only greeted with silence. Their origins remain unknown, however, they were beings who have the capability to bring life to the dead planet. These beings were called. 


These beings are no stranger to each other but are brothers, and there are six of them,

Fira the Adam of Fire,

Blizza the Adam of Ice,

Aero the Adam of Air,

Terra the Adam of Earth,

Chaos the Adam of Dark,


Holy the Adam of Light.

Each of the Adams played a big role in re-creating the planet. Fira took the first move, he molded the planet by creating magma within the planet's core and volcanoes that spurred lava out from their craters, warming its inner and outer surface in the process.

Next was Blizza who eventually covered the planet with ice. The ice melted as it touches the lava forming the endless oceans and seas covering the outer part of the planet.

The third one was Terra, who gathered all the dirt of the planet and formed them into lands and mountains. He then created living things varying from botanicals down to the beasts. Afterward

he created a special kind of beast one that closely resembled the Adams appearance, and he named them Ables.

After Terra, was Aero, who gave the planet air and wind. He also forms the planet's cloud and sky. The last to participate were Chaos who created the night and also formed the shadows, and Holy, who gave light and supports the dark by opposing it. Both of these Adam provided consciousness to the Ables.

Satisfied with their work, the six Adam proceeded to create the planet's life. Each provided a piece of their essence that eventually merges with the planet. When everything was complete, the essence of the planet woke up, her consciousness was filled with some of the Adams' knowledge that was given to her. With this she then greeted them as well as praising the six Adams for their success in creating her. The Adams finally gave the planet a name and they called her Eve. Each passing moment, Eve grew more and more beautiful, and life was visibly flowing within her. One time, Fira came and visited the planet, and as he slowly approached her, he saw Eve's ever enticing radiance then at that moment the Adam of Fire fell in love with her. Without him noticing, Blizza who came after told Fira that he will be the one that will be together with Eve. All of a sudden Areo and Terra appeared and also declared their own endeavors to the planet. When the two eldest Adams, Chaos and Holy, arrived to check on the planet's well being, they found their siblings arguing and engaging with each other to declare who is the rightful owner of Eve. Holy who is the wisest among the six reminded them that Eve was not created individually, and that each of the six had their share during the creation process. To no avail the conflict continued. Seeing that the argument didn't stop, the cunning Chaos then gave a resolution, and this is by means of dividing Eve into six pieces. Although Holy and Aero opposed the idea, the majority of the brothers agreed with the Adam of Dark, and so Eve who in return could not do anything was then divided into six lands. Each land was extracted, twisted, and severed, much like the events during her creation, except this time, the planet has a consciousness, enabled her to feel everything that's been done. Eve screamed in agony as she felt the pain of being torn apart, shattering every mountains and field within her surface. Such a painful experience left a scar on the essence of the planet. She cursed her creators and vowed to return everything they created into a lifeless void.

Much has passed after the planet underwent an inconsolable path. The Adam of Light, Holy, visited Eve. Holy was startled after he saw Eve slowly succumbed herself with all the darkness that surrounded her. With a sense of urgency, he immediately alarmed the others, as he tries to prevent Eve from her self destruct. Unfortunately most of the darkness had already engulfed half of the planet. When the rest of the Adams arrived it was already too late. The planet is already breaking, like a rock that is slowly crumbling into pieces. All they could do was watch and feel the planet's hatred towards them. Holy called the attention of his brothers, he told the other Adam's that they were the ones at fault and that they were guilty of pushing Eve to the limit thus putting her into a destructive state. The six sought and tried to apologize to the essence of the planet, however, Eve's hatred was already too strong that their plead could no longer reach her.

Fira suddenly decided and told everyone that he will sacrifice himself to seal Eve and restore the planet by becoming its foundation. The other Adams looked at their brother, then told him that they too were to be blamed. So without any hesitation, each of them agreed and sacrificed themselves, becoming the planet's foundation, while sealing Eve's essence at the same time. These foundations called Pillar, helped prevent the lands from breaking further thus restoring half of the planet's original state.

Over the course of time, the great incident became a transition from the old days to the present. The Adams used their remaining powers to removed Eve's destruction from the memories of all Ables while at the same time giving them new ones. They continued to flourish into large communities, and the planet progressed even further. Soon after, Ables residing on the planet recognized it as the planet of new beginnings. This planet came to be known as Eden.

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