I can't help smiling when my fingers brush one, among nails, screws and screwdrivers. I place the pliers between two fingers, grabbing the levers until the jaw clips tightly around the golden metal. A glint sweeps over its surface just before I start pressing.

I try to bend the bracelet by moving the pliers in a arc finishing at the back of my hand. But as soon as I begin the movement, I feel a tingle on my fingers. It builds up. And before I'm able to release the pliers, the tingles is a full, dazzling electric current running through me, shaking me to the core.

I scream from the pain, letting go of the pliers that thuds on the ground. When I'm able to see clearly again, I spot Soni at the entry of the garage. She's on her scooter, looking at me, confused.

"You okay, Jay ?" she asks.

I gulp. "Yeah. I'm fine. Don't worry."

"Why is Mom mad at you?"

I don't know. I really don't. "She's not. I'll come to your room later to help you dress Julie, okay?" the words come out. Then I feel guilty for not playing with her and her dolls in a long time.

Her expression brightens up. "Okay. I'll make tea for you," she says, then scooters away.

"You'll end up hurting yourself, Jay?" I hear a voice from behind me. It takes me a few seconds to recognize it, causing me to spring into a standing position.

"Take it off," I say, outstretching my arm towards Cindy.

"I can't." He looks at me with a pained expression, visible even under the exaggerated forms his make-up gives to his eyes and mouth. "You have signed the contract, now it's my turn to help you find love. Only then I can use the key," he snaps his fingers and a golden key materializes in his hands, "only then I can use it to open the bracelet. It what gives me access to your location and feelings, dear."

I turn away and storm outside the garage.

What have I agreed to? I don't need some weirdo to help me find love. Besides, Jord and I were already progressing pretty well. If he hadn't pulled a dick move on me and not shown up to the Sweet-T, we probably would already have something going on by now.

I don't need this fairy guy to take over. I need to talk to Mara. She'll know how to find a solution to this.

I enter the house and mount the stairs, then traverse the hall up to my room, aiming for my phone. When I have it in hand, I call Mara.

She picks up after the ring echoes for the second time. "Jay, calling on Sunday morning? Struggling with your English homework? Or is it about a certain boy who invited you to the Sweet last night," she asks, reminding me of my failed date and my untouched homework for tomorrow.

I make a mental note to do something about it later today.

"Uhm. No," I say, "how do I even say this." I run a hand across my forehead. "I have this bracelet thing stuck on my wrist. I can't get it off for some reason. It's really annoying."

She chuckles from the other side of the wire. "Poor you. Have you tried oiling up your wrist?"

I haven't thought about that. "No. But I'm pretty sure it won't work."

She makes a dubious sound and I can imagine her wearing a frown on her face.

"I've just tried to use pliers to cut through it. It just won't work. I mean," I hesitate, "I'm gonna sound crazy but it's magical bracelet."

She's snickering now. Great.

"What's this about, Jay? I mean did something happen. Because you do sound upset."

wow...cindy, no | lgbt+Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora