
It was morning and I was anxious.

Sage and another mutant were to inform me about Jack.

I was in the control room, tapping my foot rapidly like some rabbit.
I hear someone come to the doorway, I turn my head to see Lauren and Andy.

"H-Hey guys." I say to them, trying my best to ignore my nervousness.

"We just wanted to say that we're hear for you if you need anything." Lauren gives me a small smile, before she hugs me for comfort.

"Yeah, thanks."

Lauren then quick left, seeing the tension between Andy and I.
He turns to me, fiddling his thumbs.

"Why is us being a couple now suddenly awkward?" He asked, causing me to give a chuckle.

"It's our first relationship we've ever been in." I remind him. "Look, it's not awkward until you make it, so, I won't make things awkward if you don't."

"You are asking the wrong person if you think I stop being awkward, I'm the definition of awkward."

"Come on." I laugh, playfully hitting his shoulder. "At least, try."

He rolled his eyes in a jokingly matter. "Fine, but don't expect total perfection."

"And I can say the same."

We both turn to see Sage making her way to the control room and my heart starts to beat like crazy.

Andy starts to make his way out. "W-Well, I should get going-"

"Wait," I stop him, holding onto his hand, tightly. "C-Can you stay?"

I trusted Andy.
I just felt so alone, just waiting for Sage, with me seeing this... I was gonna feel like I was in total isolation.

Andy intertwined with my hand and nodded.
We both stayed as Sage walked in the room.

"Here's Jack's file." She pulls out a vanilla file, setting it down in my lap. "It has everything, where he was transferred, his abilities."

I opened it and I was shocked to see the picture.

Of course, he did grow up, but I didn't imagine what he'd look like right now.
He looked like dad, his hair was extremely cut short and and could tell the little scruff he has on his chin and upper lip.
When we were little we looked a like, we would always call each other twins, but seeing him now, we were far from looking alike.

"W-Why is his location unknown?" Andy asked Sage.

My green eyes reverted to another paper that had showing the transferring locations, there was one spot with the words "N/A" that was connected to the latest date.

"Where is he?" I question, stammering over my words.

"Last time he was seen, he was getting transferred to the same facility Reed and Lorna were going, but an accident happened."

"What accident? What are you talking about?" I start to raise my voice.

"The trunk holding the mutants crashed and no mutant was found in that trunk. They escaped."

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