A Hostile Return - Part Three

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Author's Note: This chapter was co-written with JustThatOneFox from Fanfiction.net. I am extremely grateful for his help.

As a result of the collaboration, this part contains some slight coarse language that normally would not appear in one of my works.

But still, please enjoy ^^

Edit: Ack, I literally didn't realize that I left a huge chunk of this story out until just now. Oh well, it's in there now. :)


The next morning, Amara woke up in Infinite's room. It took her a moment to realize where she was, as the last thing she remembered was Infinite whispering into her ear on the couch, telling her that everything would be okay. "Ugh..." she groaned as she awoke, trying to orient herself. "Infinite?" She looked to her left, which was where her lover slept, only to find his place empty. "Must've already gotten up... which is a little odd, he usually sticks around until we're both up." She stood herself up to look around, then walked outside.

"There she is." Infinite's voice welcomed her. He walked up and brushed his paw against her face. "Are you better today?"

She nodded, placing her own paw over his paw which was on her face.

"You want something to eat, Amara?" Remy asked.

"I'm not hungry, Remy, but thanks." Amara's expression seemed worn.

Remy just nodded and left, motioning for the others to follow as soon as he had a notion that the pair wanted to be alone.

Infinite took both her paws in his and pulled them to himself. "Come with me."

Amara followed, letting him hold her paws as they walked.

Infinite took her out to a ledge that jutted out from the area of the main den system. He sat down, leaning against the wall with Amara next to him.

"I can't believe I slept this late." Amara muttered, looking at the sun high in the sky, near midday. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You needed the rest, Mara, especially after your breakdowns yesterday." Infinite then gripped her paw and gave her a look that told her that he wasn't mad about her breakdowns, keeping her from taking offence. He kissed her forehead, causing her to smile a little. "You were so tired yesterday, you couldn't process anything." He stroked her side, still bare from the night before.

"Yeah..." she sighed. "I'm just..."

"Scared? I know, babe."

Amara took off her gloves, which she'd fallen asleep wearing, and stared at the scars on her paws.

"They hurt?" Infinite looked into her eyes, concern etched on him.

"No more than normal, just the thought of... ya know..."

"I do, but he's trying, Mara. He's trying so hard to show you that he's not her. You've just gotta give him a chance, babe."

She looked down at her paws again, then clasped them together. "Are you sure he won't hurt me?"

"Give him a chance, Mara..." Infinite then leaned towards her, whispering. "but if he does hurt you, I'll tear his throat out. 'Kay?"

Amara smiled and nuzzled him. "Okay."

"You're willing to start over with him?"

Amara looked down at her scarred paws again. "I'll see if he earns it."

Infinite nodded, then lifted one of her paws and brushed his fingers over the scars. "I'll be right back." He kissed her forehead and left. He looked back at her before walking off. He didn't want to have to take down Lusk for Amara, but if he was just playing them both, Infinite would have to do what was necessary to protect her.

Do or Die (Jackal Squad Oneshots)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora