Their Time on the Ground: Bellarke Season 4 One-Shot

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Bellamy sat down next to Clarke, who was sitting back against one of Polis' buildings. It was rough—both the wall and the situation—but he knew that they would be able to get through this. Just another obstacle they've faced down on the ground. After a minute, Clarke spoke up.

"What are we doing? Less than a week before the end of the world and the only people left are fighting over which clan lives."

"I know," Bellamy responded, running a hand through his hair. "This definitely isn't what we were expecting when we first stepped off the drop ship."

"Yeah. To be honest, I'm not sure if we were even expecting anything at all." A moment before, "you remember the arguments we used to have?" she said with a small chuckle. "'We can't just open the door, the air could be toxic."

Bellamy remembered, it was the first time they had spoken to each other. Man, how things were different back then. He had thought Clarke was emotionally overbearing, trying to keep the delinquents in order, find food, and enforce rules. But now he appreciates her leadership and is glad she's still here with him. With all of them.

"Yeah, 'if the air's toxic, we're dead anyway,'" he continued, smiling. Bellamy turned and met Clarke's eyes, they were a fascinating blue in this light. He stared at her for a moment more, trying to decipher what she was thinking. Then he spoke up about something he'd been meaning to tell her for a while.

"I'm sorry I was such a jerk back then, I've always admired your will and perseverance." He paused. "I guess I also saw you as a threat to the image I'd made for myself in front of those teenagers. You saw right through me. And—, and I didn't ever want to hurt you." He sighed and his tone began to quicken as he felt his emotions getting the best of him. "Thinking back, what if I had killed you? If I hadn't caught you when you almost fell into the trap? None of us would be here without you, we probably wouldn't have survived the grounders, we—"

"Hey, stop." She put her hand on his arm. "It's ok, you just wanted to save your sister. You didn't want anyone to overtake you. But you're a completely different Bellamy now, you're caring. Not just about Octavia now, but about others and about doing the right thing. And there's no question about which one I like more." She smiled, causing him to grin as well.

He opened his arm and wrapped it around Clarke, she leaned into him and he placed his head on top of hers. For a minute, there was just them, embracing each other, forgetting about the impending end of the world—again. From grounders, to mountain men, to A.L.I.E., and now Praimfaya, Bellamy would be in it with Clarke. Whatever was thrown at them, they would surmount it. Together.

The two pulled apart. "Just to be clear, which side of me do you like more?" Bellamy teased, with a smirk on his face.

"Seriously? The jerk one who walked around without a shirt half the time," she said stone-faced. Bellamy laughed at her joke, as did Clarke, and decided to mess with her some more.

"So you liked it when I didn't wear a shirt, huh?" he said, causing Clarke to blush. Her blush was really cute, he mentally noted. It made her look younger, like an actual teenager.

"Well... you do have some nice abs, so I can't really deny that."

"Ok Princess." Bellamy rolled his eyes and the two of them laughed together.

Just then, Roan walked by and saw the two, stopping to speak with them. He gave Bellamy a knowing smile, then resumed his stoic posture. "Gaia's asking for everyone to meet at the tower to discuss the upcoming fate of humanity." Then he started walking back, fiddling with his knife.

"Great," Bellamy mumbled sarcastically, "we're on the way." He stood up and held out his hand for Clarke.

"Thanks. We better hurry, don't wanna miss anything," she said as she took it and got up.

With the sun overhead and the breeze picking up, the pair made their way over to the tower, not sure how they would decide who got the bunker. Not even sure if they would survive long enough to use it.

A/N:  Thank you so much for reading this, it's my first time writing anything (one-shot, story, etc.) and obviously my first time publishing. I would appreciate any feedback, don't go easy on me, I'm always up to improve my skills. Thank you again!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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