It wasn't just a dream

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I saw you leaving me

With a smile

In a dark lonely place

With No one around

I watched you walk away

With a blink of an eye

I tried to call you

But you didn't hear me cry

I woke up at middle of  the night

Thanking God it was just a dream

But now I see

You are not here

and it wasn't just a dream

I watched you laugh

When I begged you to stay

I tried to talk to you

But you said go away

Your friends laughed at me

After something you said

They called me names

And said i was bad

I woke up at middle of the night

Thanking God it was just a dream

But now I see

You are not here

 and it wasn't just dream

When I woke up

You weren't here

I tried to call you

 But you didn't care

Now I realize

You are not here

And everything i saw

it wasn't just a dream

Author's note :- read , vote and comment guys :). And the silent readers Do give your views it will mean alot :)

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