The Mystery Begins...

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Samar Anand could not have thought up of a better way to spend his holiday off than to sit back, relax, and hack into government sensitive files and learn of their secrets, and what better way to do it than a mere ten kilometers away from a Pakistani army camp? Samar craved action almost as much as he thirsted for knowledge. Samar was known as the reckless, troublemaking, smart-aleck of the school, but not in front of teachers. In classes, Samar was a genius, even doing the homework of older kids, well he would do all the work right, and then he would flub up the answer on purpose. He was in his final year of high-school, and he was getting ready to go to college. 

He was just about to open the files when the Pakistani army came after him. They started shooting and cursing Samar out, but Samar had a seventh sense: He could avoid anything. Samar ran into a busy market place, and the military halted the fire. He crashed into a clothesline, and ended up with a shawl. Samar wrapped it around his head, and found an ATM. Samar hacked into it with just a few keys tapped on his computer. (He had figured out how to do that seven years ago, now it was simply child's play.) Samar took out fifty thousand rupees from the ATM and threw them out. The market place all surrounded the money and formed a huge mass of squirming bodies thus trapping the Pakistani militants. Samar turned down an alleyway, and he was cornered by an army-man. The army man shot one bullet at Samar and fled. Samar collapsed on to the ground, and his eyes closed shut. Yet his chest still rose slowly.

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