Chapter Eighteen

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Beyonce had her reasons for not wanting Onika back at the office, and she was glad she didn't ask, as she wasn't quite sure what she might have felt about it

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Beyonce had her reasons for not wanting Onika back at the office, and she was glad she didn't ask, as she wasn't quite sure what she might have felt about it.

Deciding that asking forgiveness definitely beat asking permission and being shot down, she was on her way to Miami, and, four hours later, she was standing in a hotel lobby, staring in the face of a dark skin guy entertaining a table of gamblers and sparsely dressed club girls.

This was Rihmeek Mills? Onika Maraj's husband? She couldn't believe her eyes, but the half drunk idiot did match the picture she was holding on top of a folder.

She bided her time, waiting until the audience had dwindled-with all his money-before getting up and joining the man, whose glazed gaze made her think alcohol wasn't the only drug he indulged in, although it wasn't even 8:00 p.m.

She genuinely didn't understand the man, and it made her feel a little uncomfortable. It was never good to enter a deal without knowing what made your adversary tick.

"Mr. Mills."

The man raised his glass in acknowledgement. "Hi, there beautiful lady. Want to play?"

Beyonce had to laugh, "No, sorry."

She wasn't in the mood to take his money; Beyonce was no professional poker player, but she was pretty confident even Blue would have kicked the guy's ass, in his state.

"If you don't want to play, man, leave the seat for someone who does." Meek waved, his tone quite aggressive.

"I don't think so--but I'll make it worth your while," she promised, getting some paperwork out of her folder and putting her checkbook on top.

That caught Mill's attention.

"I'm going to be brief. I'm here on behalf of Onika Maraj."

The man let out an exasperated sigh. "What, she sent a private investigator after me? How desperate. Can't she get the message? I don't want her."

"And your child?"

She wasn't sure what she'd expected, but not that. Not a man so self-centered and indifferent to anything unrelated to his own pleasure--he'd just shrugged at the mention of his babygirl.

"Mr. Mills, I have a divorce agreement drafted here," she said, picking one of the three documents she'd had prepared. If she'd found a decent human being, she might have used one of the others--but, under the circumstances, the last one was what he needed. "It states that you agree to dissolve your union and renounce your rights as Blue Maraj-Mills father."

The other documents were very different; they opened up visits and other relationships, but she didn't want that man anywhere near Onika, or Blue, for that matter. She knew there was a very good chance that Onika might hand her, her ass for what she was about to do but she didn't regret it. Even if she decided to never speak to her again after this, she would have protected her against an alcoholic, drug-addicted, compulsive gambler who was known for frequenting brothels--from what her investigator had come up with.

"And why would I do that? The bitch's family is rich as fuck. I can stay married--they'll eventually give up the ghost, and I can claim half of what she has."

Somehow, Beyonce managed to stay in her seat, although it cost her. When her fist unclenched she forced a smile and nodded.

"Right. Well, you're aware that Ms. Maraj and her parents are currently not in contact, and we don't know how they've arranged their wills. Besides they're both rather healthy, and in their sixties. If you're not inclined to wait three decades for a potential outcome that may never occur, Ms. Maraj is willing to pay handsomely to be rid of you now."

Mills seemed so enthralled by that idea, he didn't even question how his poor wife would come up with the money.

"How much?"

"How much would it take?"

"A hundred thousand. I won't take anything less."

It was even harder than preventing herself from punching the weasel, but Beyonce didn't laugh. A hundred thousand? For renouncing Onika and Blue. Beyonce had come expecting to pay millions--and she would have without a second of hesitation.

"Well, it's a little over what she's stated..."

"Then tell the bitch I won't sign anything."

She sighed and nodded before holding her phone up to her ear and pretending to check.

After a short fictitious conversation, she nodded.

"A hundred thousand, then. We have a deal."

And she, if she played her cards right, might just have a family out of it.


Beyonce decided that she'd wait to inform Onika that as long as she was willing to sign the document drafted by Bey's lawyer, she wasn't going to be married anymore. It might come as a shock--and she might be upset that Meek wouldn't be paying child support, either. But she hoped that, with enough explanation, she might see her way of thinking.

While slowly walking through the airport lobby, she was trying to convince herself that she hadn't acted like too much of an overbearing ass when her eye caught something shiny in the window of a shop. Turning towards it, she found herself in front of a cartier.

She must have been staring for a while, because a salesperson came to speak to her. "This is a classic," the man informed her, pointing to the heart-shaped diamond ring she just couldn't stop looking at.

No point lying to herself. She was thinking that it would suit Onika. Funny that she'd never seen any ring that she'd associated with Kehlani and Michelle, but this... if she ever proposed to Onika Maraj, it would be a ring like that.

"Ballerine, brilliant-cut. This one is 2.99 carats. We offer bigger ones, but they can look almost gaudy--at this size, it would suit a more reserved lady."

"Could I have it sized in New York if I purchase it here?" she found herself asking.

She wasn't sure how; she should be shopping for scarves and perfume, maybe a teddy bear for Blue--not rings.

At the same time, it felt...right.

Insane, but right.

"Of course, ma'am."

"Right." Well, in for a penny...

"I'll take it."


I can't even wait for my goal. I'm tryna end this book. 😩🤧

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What do you think about her considering getting a ring?

She got him to sign divorce papers!

What do you think Nicki's reaction will be?


Him signing the papers without too much thought?

He doesn't care about Blue or Nicki..

He only wants her parents money.


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