Combine Earths

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Kara Danvers is the CEO of one of the richest companies in National City. Catco founder was Cat Grant but she left the company and Kara Danvers turned Catco from a million dollar company to a trillion dollar company. After Earth-1 and Earth-38 combined she did a lot of stories on superheroes. When she first became a CEO she went to Earth-1 to get advice from Oliver Queen. He is the CEO of a trillion-dollar company too. They became close and started dating in secret. They are now at Kara's mansion cuddling watching The Wizards of Oz with Kara's puppy husky Winter.

"I can't believe how many times we watch this movies," Oliver said holding Kara tight's.

"I know sitting in your arms is heaven" Kara said

"You in my arms are heaven"Oliver said

'I was thinking we need to tell everyone about use" Kara said as the movie ended

"Sure, I am ready to tell everyone when you are" Oliver said and kissing her

"Okay next time we see our friend's we tell them"Kara said

"Kara there's something I want to tell you I love-" Oliver said but was interrupted by his phone ringing

"How could your phone work here"Kara said

"I don't know,"Oliver said, answering his phone. "Hey Barry. What?. I am one the way to S.T.A.R Labs"

"What happen"Kara said worried

"Or Earths had combined somehow Barry what's everyone at S.T.A.R. Labs" Oliver said just as Kara a breach open up in Kara's living room Winter started barking

"Get down behind the couch" Kara said as Oliver hid behind the couch.

"Kara there is something I need to tell you" Barry said as he and Cisco came out the breach.

"Barry, Cisco what are you doing on by earth, Winter it's okay" Kara said nervously

"About that our earth had combine" Barry said

What how did this happen" Kara said

"I don't know that what we are about to figure out" Cisco said

"By the way, nice place here when you move, oh a puppy" Barry said, picking up Winter and petting her.

"Tell you at S.T.A.R Labs" Kara said as she superspeed in her Supergirl suit with her mask.

"Okay" Cisco said opening a breach

"Alright right behind you" Kara said as the two men walked into the breach and her dog ran throw then she turn around and said "Babe are you okay"

"Yes I am fine I'll see you at S.T.A.R Labs" Oliver said getting up and kissing her then head out the door as Kara walked through the breach.

Oliver got on his motorcycle and drove to S.T.A.R Lab after he called his team and told them to go to Central City. He was upset that he could not tell Kara that he loved her but the interruption meant that it is not time for him to tell her yet. As he drove he could not stop thinking of the blond blue eyed alien. The ride seemed to be shorter than usual when he saw the bright S.T.A.R Labs light as he drove up. He walked in the cortex and saw Team Supergirl, The Legends, Flash.

"My team is on there way" Oliver said taking a glance at Kara then look away

"Okay we can wait some time" Barry said then Winter barked a ran up to Oliver

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