His Revenge - Epilogue

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Hello there!
I'm Anna and this is my version of the epilogue for HR. I've been obsessed with these characters for months and I realised that I wouldn't be content until I let them go through words that I would love to read. I hope you enjoy it!

Leave me a comment if you do, or even if you don't. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. :)

Also, listen to the song attached. I was listening to it while I wrote this and I thought it was the sweetest, cutest song I've heard in a while!

Thanks for stopping by!

It was bliss, falling asleep with a very naked Erin in his arms. As he lay there, panting after a thorough round of love making, he wondered how he ever got so lucky to have her in his life and slightly surprised that she hadn't packed her things and marched out of his life in the past year that they had been together. He had given her plenty of reasons to. They fought like cats and dogs on every trivial matter, then there was the issue of their nosey families. Yet, she had stuck around, assuring him every night that she loved him. He could feel her eyes fluttering to a close against his chest as his hands skimmed up and down her spine, enjoying the way her skin rippled like silk under his fingers.

"We should get married," he said, loud enough so she couldn't pretend like she hadn't heard it. He wasn't giving her an escape this time.

Goosebumps rose on his skin as she giggled sleepy against his chest. "That's exactly the kind of proposal a girl hopes for." she said with a sleepy smile.

"Think about it," he said as he turned on his side causing Erin to roll onto her back. He looked down at her post-sex flushed face, a smile on his face and a gleam in his eyes, "we're hardly conventional, dare I say boring. Everything else has already been done- the roses, the candles, the extravagance. This is our cliché."

She smiled at him, eyes finally opening to get a good look at him. "Don't sell this to me. This isn't a business deal. You do realize that every girl dreams of her perfect proposal all her life, right?"

"Yes, I know. But isn't this romantic? How many guys out there can confidently say that they got the woman of their dreams to accept their proposal after sex, still very naked and in bed?"

"You seem mighty confident that I'll say yes." She retorted, always up to tease him, uncaring of the time of day.

"You love me. You won't deny me." He stated, that boyish smile she loved coming out to play and she knew he was right.

"And what? Do you want to be pronounced man and wife right here in bed after sex?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

He chuckled, the sound reverberating through her body, "I'd love that but I'm afraid I don't want any man seeing what's only for my eyes." His eyes swept over her body possessively, in a way that made her hot all over again.

She cleared her throat to get his attention again, and also to gain some semblance of control over her own body. She looked deep into his beautiful blue eyes, trying to gather exactly how serious he was. He held her gaze strong, assuring her without any words that this was what he wanted- to fall asleep with her and to wake up to her every morning.

"I do have one ostentatious element though." He said, turning towards his nightstand and fishing something out of the drawer. Before she could ask, he produced a royal blue box in front of her and flipped the top open, revealing the most gorgeous ring. It was vintage, that she could tell, the diamond big but not too flashy, the design classy enough with a hint of history. It looked expensive.

She looked surprised and he loved that look on her. "It was my grandmother's," he said, "she left it to me, to present to my future wife."

"Why didn't your brothers get it?" she asked.

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