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Title: “The One With The Song.”

Scene 13: Interior / Cara’s Car on the Highway / Day

Cara is driving while Harry stares outside the window looking very focused.

CARA: “Why aren’t you talking? Tell me everything.”

HARRY: (sighs) “Okay, the name is Kevin.”

CARA: “Kevin? He doesn’t look like a Kevin.”

HARRY: “I know… but who does?”

CARA: “The guy from Home Alone looks like a Kevin.”

HARRY: “True.”

CARA: “We should come up with a nickname. Kevin makes me anxious.”

HARRY: “Um… K?”

CARA: “Unoriginal… Let’s go with Big Butt until we find something better.”

HARRY: (sighs again) “He is more than just a piece of ass to me. This is not sexual at all. I swear.”

CARA: “Am I actually hearing this?”

HARRY: “Shut up. He is so cute, like not physically cute only but also tender, you know? He is shy and when he smiles, he is like a better version of Justin.”

CARA: “Justin T or B?”

HARRY: “Both combined together.”

CARA: “I’m trying to picture it. Okay, done.”

HARRY: “Done? Okay, he is cuter than that.”

CARA: “Damn.”

HARRY: “He is from New Heaven.”

CARA: “You mean New Haven.”

HARRY: “Yeah, that. Somewhere close to New York.”

CARA: “Where Yale is.”

HARRY: “Is it?” (worried) “You think he goes to Yale? I’m totally screwed if he does.”

CARA: “Why?”

HARRY: “Because I’m dumb. You need to be smart if you go to Yale, right?”

CARA: “He does look kind of nerdy to be honest.”

HARRY: (faking Cara’s voice) “Oh no, honey, you are not dumb at all, don’t worry.”

CARA: (laughing) “Our friendship is all about honesty.”

HARRY: “Thank you.”

CARA: “Tell me more.”

HARRY: “I’m not dumb. You are dumb.”

CARA: “I was kidding, relax!”

HARRY: (carried away) “He is so small and huggable but he is also masculine and sexy. And the tats, oh my god, the tats. He has this tic-tac-toe tattoo on his right arm. I mean, you know how obsessed I was with that game back in school. It has to mean something.”

CARA: “Okay, maybe it does.”

HARRY: “And his eyes.” (thoughtful, smiling) “He is so damn pretty. I can’t.”

It Started with a Selfie [larry stylinson a.u.]Where stories live. Discover now