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Chapter One:

"That everything?" you hear the voice of your twin sister, Thea, ask as she set down a box.
"Yeah, that's it" a low pitch voice answered.
Turning around, you faced your siblings and smiled.

"Thanks for the help guys, I really appreciate it!" you sighed, pushing a lock of your short dark hair back in it's place behind her ear

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"Thanks for the help guys, I really appreciate it!" you sighed, pushing a lock of your short dark hair back in it's place behind her ear.
"Anytime, Ari!" your sister said as she pulled you into a hug.

"Okay, Speedy, we should get going. Love you, sis, remember to call if you need us!" the large man called as he walked out the door, the small brunette following behind him.
"Love you, too, Ollie! Bye, Thea!" you called back as you heard the door shut.

You then picked up your phone and called the one person you knew could unpack quickly.


You tried to keep up with the yellow light darting about the apartment but found it impossible. With a gust of wind, you looked up at Barry Allen.

"Wait! Close your eyes!" he exclaimed.
Doing as you were told, you could feel Barry's hands on your shoulders turning your short frame around.
"Okay... OPEN!"
You moved your hands from in front of your eyes and saw your apartment fully furnished and decorated.

"Barry! This is awesome! Thank you!" you turned around and hugged your friend excitedly.
"What was my time?" he asked. You pulled out of the hug and checked the phone's timer.
"5 minutes and 47 seconds," you answered, beaming up at the young man,"You're getting faster, Barry! It seems Wells's exercises are paying off!"

"You should come by tomorrow and meet everyone!" he suggested.
"Sure! Text me their orders and I'll bring them with me, it's on me! As a 'thank you' for doing all this for me!" you suggested as you gestured toward the apartment, still astonished at everything before your eyes.

"Sounds great! Goodnight Aria!" he said before walking out.
" 'Night Bare!"

Open Your Eyes (Cisco Ramon)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora