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I go outside the restroom and head towards the canteen 'cause it's already lunch time i look everywhere and  saw Soyeon Who's actually doing her work to seduce Jungkook i can feel that Jungkook is really uncomfortable on what Soyeon's doing to him i roll my eyes and go to them

"supp!mind if i sit?"

i said while smiling i look at Jungkook and he started to smile also,That Smile when he did that there's a Butterfly in my stomach,i love you Jeon Jungkook!,I look at Jenny and she also smile,i look at soyeon and she have this Annoyed bitchy face

"No,Do you see?You're disturbing us right babe?"

she said as he look Jungkook and hold his Arm,Jungkook remove Soyeon's hand

"Who tell you that She's not allowed to sit?"

he said and look at me smilling here is it Again but i think this time is Chills, i don't know it's just when he did that my spine from the back it's

started to Vibaret i think,i don't know but i know when did that it give me chills, i don't know that i was spacing out when Soyeon start to stand up and punch me in my stomach

"You bitch!"

She said as she take a punch again in my stomach, Jungkook was about to stand up but i stop him


i mouthed to Jungkook and smile, i think i need to do this,i smirk at her

"What's that in smirk?"

She said as she was about to Slap me but i catch her Arm and i slap her.


the Whole Student in the Canteen shout


Soyeon said as she Shake her arm out of mine but When She move her hand My Grip will tightenend

"Don't touch me"

she said as i just look at my nails

"What i can't hear you?"

i said and tap my index finger in ear signing her i don't hear her

"Bitch!Are you deaf?!"

she said as i finally remove my Grip to her 


i said as i put my face ti her Ear

"'cause bitches like you made me like this"

i said as i smirk to her i left The canteen and i can feel the whole Student in the canteen are shock,well Soyeon is my ultimate enemy and she is the Most Bitch in Our School, i'm not that Famous i'm just an ordinary student who Always being bullied by Soyeon,as i was walking to my Locker someone back hug me

"You shock me there"

Someone said as he remove the hug,i roll my eyes knowing who it is i turn to him and smile,Yup i knew it, It's Jimin

"Are you watching me?"

I said as i look at him in the eyes 'You're Dead Park Jimin'i said in my mind

"Btw are you free after class?"

he said as i started to walk towards my Locker,Great!Nice timing!,

"Of course"

i said as look at him smiling

"Great!Meet me after class!"

He said as i open my locker...



I was now going towards the school gate but i'm going to meet my man first so we can do our plan

"So what's the plan?"

my man said as he take off his mask

"Y/n and i will go out now Reserve us in a luxury restaurant and order the most expensive Food they have,now do it before Y/n notice us"

i said and he nod i gave him the money and i started to go to the Gate,'You're all mine now Y/n,All mine!' i said as i smirk i've been obsessed to her since we were in elementary but yeah I was to shy to get her out when we we're Highschool i got the chance to ask her but ended up that Jungkook and Her will fall in love each other and here i am getting her, i smile as i saw Y/n Going towards me Smilig, I love you Y/n and always be you...

Y/N'S P. O. V

I did what Jimin said after class i go to the gate, there i see him waiting on me i go to him


i said as i tap his shoulder playfully

"Oh,Are you ready?"

He said as he put his arm in my waist,i was shocked on what he did

"What are you doing?"

i said and look at him he just smile at me, aww what a Bitchy Expression i said to myself and just go with the flow,after a minute we got in the Luxuries Restaurant

"Are we going to eat here?"

i said a s i look at him he just smile to me

"Ofcourse baby"

he said and open the door to me A waiter guide us on where are our seats

"Thank you"

i said to the waiter as she bow to me and wink towards Jimin,tsss

"So Let's wait to the food?"

he said and we take our sit in our chairs, Jimin already order our food without me,tsk,i just nod and wait our food,we both play our phone not talking to each other,and then suddenly...



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