Chapter 3

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I slowly opened my eyes and a white ceiling rose in my eyes. I tried to get up but fell down due to dizziness. I try to build my body and I was shocked by what I saw.

“This is not my room!” I shouted. Even when I was dizzy I tried to stand up and find my things and I’m not disappointed I saw my bag and stilletos.

I quickly examined my body and nothing missing. I quickly left this room and walked down the stairs when I come to the living room I saw a man near at the door of this house.

“Prince?” I called his name. His aura is nit good unlike before I could feel that he was angry at me.

“Oh, sleepyhead. Great! You drink a lot but you didn’t even get dizzy.” he said and walked toward to me. I feel nervous because of his voice tone.

“How did I get here?” I asked him because I wondered why I am here I didn’t tell I was at the club last night. He bit his lower lip and chuckled.

“A waiter called me in my number using your phone and he said, my ‘girlfriend’ was asleep and drunk.” he said. I looked at him and he just smiled.

“And because I was so sleepy last night I didn’t pay attention to what he said but when he described your face my senses back. I ask what your name, was all he said was the name that was on your bracelet.” he added. And I looked at my bracelet, my name is engraved there.

“I was faster to fix myself to pick you up. Don’t you know it’s dangerous? Especially you are wearing that kind of clothes.” he said coldly and pointes my black tube dress.

“And did you know that you kissed me last night and you said that you love me.” he added. I immediately look at him and he just look somewhere and bitting his lips. My goodness, Aika! What have you done?!

“I-I’m sorry.” I said.

“There is nothing to it. I knew that you were drunk last night so I didn’t interpret what you said.” he said and I just nodded. I tried to smile at him and he did the same.

“I-I’ll go home now. Thank you for what you did.” I said and walked out of his house. I saw my car in their garage and I got into my car, their gate was already open so I just got out quickly.

My heart ached again because of what he said. While driving tried to remember anything happen in the club, my mind can’t cooperate with me. It’s frustrating!

When I got home I couldn’t parked my car properly I just parked it in front of our house. I went straight to the living room and I took off my stilletos and I threw my bag somewhere.

After many minutes, I decided to take a bath. After that, I fixed myself and I packed the things that I needed to bring to Tagaytay.

I grabbed my things as I closed the door, I was about to leave the gate when I saw a black vios parked in front of our house.

“Where are you going again?” he asked angrily as he got off the car. He looked at me from head to foot.

“What’s with you? Are you going somewhere far?” he asked again but I ignore him. I went straight to my car and put my things in the backseat, I could feel his gaze in every moves that I did.

“I’m talking to you, Aika.” he spoke again. I know he’s upset now but so am I, I was irritated with myself.

I couldn’t help nut to think of the girl he kissed at the mall. Let’s just say I fall for someone quickly, what can I do? I don’t want to control my feelings.

“Please. Stay away from me. Can’t you see? You already have a girlfriend! So, please stay away.” I said. I let out a heavy sighs.

“Okay, fine! I like you! Happy?” I said again and rolled my eyes. It’s frustrating!

“I like you too.” he said. I quickly looked at him. What did he say?

“I love you, Aika.  I’m still in love you. I love you since junior high, you were in public and I was in private school. I followed you every day to make sure that you are safe. When I found out that you have suitors I wanted to kiss you and tell you that I was yours and you are mine. At your graduation, I was there watching you from a far. When I found out you were helping Ren to court your best friend Myca and you were almost with him, you never know how I jealous I was.” he said. I saw his tears fell down, I can’t imagine that he is now confessing on his true feelings.

“And the girl that I wanted to court? It’s you, Aika. But when I felt like you couldn’t love me back I tried to forget you again just like what I did before but I still couldn’t. About the kiss at the mall? I meant it, I saw you that time but when I saw you running out of the mall I tried to chase you but I was too late.” he added. I cried and cried for the joy and pain I felt. I felt him hug me and kissed my forehead. I could feel his heartbeat.

“Hush, baby. Your tears are my weakness.” he said and brush my hair using his fingertips. I looked at him and his eyes looks happy.

“Thank you.” I said.

“For what?” he asked confused.

“Thank you for loving me.” I whispered. He just smiled and hugged me tightly and he rested his head on my shoulder.

I am happy and contented with him.

I don't know why I feel complete about what he said. My heart feel comfortable when I'm with him, I feel safe. I really fell in love with him.

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