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The first three picture is me and My family who already past away but when i got to the next three picture it's already me,Picture of me sleeping peacefully,Taking a Bath naked, and Me while Kissing Jimin,i Look at the door

"What's this?"

i ask myself another ring of doorbell...i want to open it but i'm to scared,i just look at the door


i heard Jungkook Yell from stairs as i'm still looking at the door who kept ringing the doorbell

"why are you not opening the door?"

Jungkook Ask while he's Eyebrows Crossed,i'm not answering his question, he go to the door to open it


i said whispering when he open the door he's face turn angry and i think who's in the door, Jenny, i was about to walk towards to his side but the door open reaveling Jimin with his Freinds i think All of them was handsome,i smile at him and he smile back,someone caught my attention he's one freind with a red hair he's like a sunshine he's freaking shaking he notice that i was looking at him and stare at me his eyes are beautiful,he keep staring at me like he's telling something using his eyes you can notice that all of them are freaking nervous by just looking at their smile they all look at me and do what the Red hair guy do i didn't understand what's happening i look at Jimin who's now smirking he go to me and hug me i hug him back,Jungkook go towards us and pull me close to him while Jimin hold my wrist, Heck!This Shit is like a movie i remove Jungkook's Hug i also Remove Jimin's hand in my wrist

"Ok What The Fuck is Happening?"

i said in calmly but a litlle bit with a Angry tone


Jimin says still smirkin

"Can you Stop smirking like that?"

Jungkook said in angry tone

"Btw Y/n this are my freinds!"

Jimin says pointing to them using his hands

"Hi Y-y/n!"

They all said stuttering i don't know why but i feel like something is wrong...


I was Walking on the hallway alone...I notice something...I couldn't Believe what my eyes seeing right now it's Jenny With my Ex Bestfreind Soyeon,A Tear fell in my right eye but i Immediately wipe it off,She notice me and smirk she go to me


she said as she walk towards me with Soyeon i ignore them and started Walking towards my locker

"Hey Bitch!"

Soyeon said as she Pull my hair i can feel from my back that Jennie Look Shock,Jenny I know You didn't want this,i said in in myself as my eyes Started To be Watery

"Look at me!"

soyeon said and i look at them Jenny Was looking down while Soyeon was just Looking at me smirking

"What do you want?"

i say in clamly tone I Clenched my Teeth

"Jenny! Here you go!"

Soyeon said And Do a 1 step from the back

"I w-want..."

Jenny stuttered while saying it i know she didn't want to do this i hold her wrist and bring her to the restroom and lock the door


she said and take her hands off in mine

"Why are you doing this?"

i said and look at her

"Doing what?get your ex boyfreind that you still love and be Freind with soyeon? Huh?"

she said and looking at me Angrily i look at her eyes i can tell that She really don't want this

"I know You don't want this!"

I said and look at her,she look down while one tear fell from her eye

"why?are you still Inlove with that Jerk?Tskkk"

She said and look at me,She is slowly getting in my nerves but i still need to stay clamed tho he's just doin this for something or someone

"When did you know about me and Jungkook?Who told you?And what are you doing doing this?"

I ask Her crying,She's hurting me too much kissing my love infront of me and being freind in my Ultimate Enemy,What the heck!!

"Y-y/n,i-i'm sorry"

Jenny said looking down,she get my wrist and hug me

"I didn't meant that"

She said as a tear fell from her eye,i stop Crying and look at her...

"Why are you this?"

I ask her once again sitting down om the floor, she sit down beside and hug me...and start to cry

"I need too Y/n,if i didn't then you will die and i don't want you to die"

She said srying in my Arms




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