some things about me

2.8K 53 47

another day, another life in quarantine. quarantine's actually doing me good but it kinda sucks that i cant see my bronny. he's actually my bestfriend for 5 years now.
before school ends, we had time to hang out, just to the two of us. we had milkshakes and fries, we went to six flags and that was it.

it was 12am and i have nothing to do. its been a week after me and bronny hung out, until i received a text;

king kong


king kong
have you seen my hair ? its wild

yeah, and you looked stupid

king kong
yeah yeah, yk i missed you and all but i actually have to go

okay and why

king kong
zhuri needs assistance for her new yt video

oh i see, talk to you later?

king kong
for sure, aight bye i love you

i love you too, wash your hands dumbo

king kong
i will and you should too, dont let quarantine make you crazy ;)

fuck you, bye

king kong
ily too, bye 😂

i decided to make a tiktok instead. i have quite a huge following on the app so i mean why not?

i checked on my profile to see that i had hit 100k. i was just at 50.9k 3 days ago? quarantine's really is treating me good.

i decided to make a tiktok that uses the audio "some things about me" for my new followers. i gathered all the photos needed and turned on the green screen filter (idfk), and pressed play.

my name (y/n)
my age (your age)
my favorite color (your fav color)
my height (your height)
my sign (your sign)
do i have a lover
i mean i hope i do
whats my nationality (your nationality)
here's some things that inspire me

i inserted pics of bronny, a few of my friends and my family and that was it. i posted the video with the caption;

"thank you for a 100k. all i did was literally blink and we reached that amount of people. i love each and everyone of you"

my phone was blowing up already wow. i liked and read some of the comments, until one caught my attention, and its from bryce;

"aww look my otp"

i replied to him with a smile on my face;

"shut up bryce, you know we're just friends"

he once again replied;

"i know my brother and i know he likes you"

suddenly the replies came, rapidly. and all of them were saying;

"bryce we need tea"
"spill! spill! spill!"
"aww look at bryce and his sister-in-law"

and it was just continuous. and crazy.
i turned off my phone to cool off my mind just a bit, when i received a text message.

king kong
you're single?

yeah ? i thought you knew?

king kong
im playing gosh congrats on a 100k!

thank you hihi

king kong
well y/n, i was actually thinking about you all the time and uhm


king kong
well i was actually thinking about asking you this question for a long time now.

you're being so dramatic drop it

king kong
can i be your lover?

and with that, quarantine doesnt get any more better than this.

hi beauties !! the ending sucked ass i hate myself but im glad y'all are liking the updates lately. also y'ALL ARE GASSING UP MY FACE REVEAL IM ACTUALLY SO INLOVE WITH ALL OF YOU. i hope y'all are doing good in y'all countries, keep safe and wash your damn hands alright because corona virus, its getting real, shit is getting real. i love you mwah <333

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