Chapter: 12

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"TRISTA WAKE UP YOUR GONNA BE LATE!! 5 MINUTES HURRY UP!!" I heard my father scream, I jumped up instantly and fell onto my face, "HAHAHAHA" he laughed once again, i grabbed my phone and checked te time, "4:00 AM !!!!!" I yelled then I seen the date... "SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 19th !! DADDDD!" I yelled angrily, e just chuckled and hugged me, "well I can't go back I sleep now! Haha" I gigled, "okay well night I'll leave now" he smiled and left my bedroom.

I then couldn't go back to sleep so I went to my desk and logged into my computer..I went on Ask.FM and at least 40 questions, they were all hate....

I started to deleted them all.... I silently cried then I shut down my computer as I checked the time, 8:30 and I was hungry!!

So I went into the kitchen, nothing I wanted, so I put on my jacket and my hightops "daaaad! I'm leaving to the restaurant!" I yelled, then Addie came up "Me Me Me!!" She begged, "fine!" I giggled and helped her put on her tiny Uggs and her jacket,

Then we strutted in our pjs to the breakfast café


Me and Addie sat in a booth and waited patiently, we'll i did, Addie always whined "when will da waiwer bwe here?" She whined once more "she's here" I sighed in relief as the waitress arrived "hello what may I get you today?" She asked politely "umm a kids breakfast for this little one and a number 1 breakfast for me and chocolate milk to drink for both" I smiled,

She then wrote it down on her square notebook and strutted off into the kitchen,

She came back 13 minutes later with a tray of food, she set it down and waved goodbye going to take some other orders,

Addie dug in like a wild animal that didn't eat for 3 months, I ate very little of my food and I was finished when Addie was, then I cleaned up our table and I piggy backed her home.


When I walked in the door Michale was cleaning up the kitchen and I seen like come out of Addie's room and Dad come out of mine "GIIURRRLLLSSS!" The both yelled, Addie jumped at the screams coming from them "You 2 rooms was a disaster area!! If it's ever that dirty again Addie no more friends over for a week! And Trista no more phone for 2 weeks!" Dad yelled at us, "oh okay dwaddy" Addie whined

"Sorry dad..." I whispered, me and Addie went into our now spotless rooms, I then laid on my bed and stalked peoples Facebook and soon fell asleep.

Adopted By Ashton Irwin (First Written Book 2014) *Completed* Where stories live. Discover now