The Incident

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Chapter 6

As soon as Eva tiredly got home, she sensed something. 

'Wow, he sure knows how to get inside my house... shocker now.' After losing all her energy running and refusing to cry of freak out anymore she was determined that she won't keep running away from her life and its troubles, she wants to face whatever trouble that comes to her.

'From school to home is okay but entering without permission is against the laws.' Eva thought, she cracked her knuckles grabbed whatever was closest to her breathlessly.

Luckily the thing closest to her was a lamp. She unplugged it and took it noiselessly. Coming up her stairs carefully trying not to squeak the floor, she stopped outside her door. She stared at her hot pink room door with a bit of fear and eagerness.

'If i die after this, i will always regret telling my mom i wanted a hot pink door when i was four.'

Eva charged into her room, swinging the lamp like crazy with her eyes shut till an arm came up holding her arms stopping her from hurting a person so important to her.

"Whoa monster, since when is it okay to murder you own dad or when did you want to murder your own dad?" Eva's dad chuckled obviously laughing at Eva's compulsive behavior. Eva embarrassed, put the lamp down and said "Dad what are you doing home?! Your suppose to be at work till like 9." Suddenly her dad's attitude turned serous. He was no longer smiling. A shadow of dread casted down the room as time seemed to pass slowly.

"Sweetie, don't freak out, but....."

"Speak up dad?! What happened?!"

"Your mother got into an accident."

Eva froze. What just happened to her was like a blow to her head and heart.


Eva's mom was the one who raised her. Her dad, although close to her, worked so much to better their life so her mom taught her life lessons.

She told Eva to face anything that comes her way because there is not one thing in this world that doesn't have a chance. 'Everyone is the same, its just their mind that works differently so don't be afraid. You might be a girl but prove to everyone that youre special because you're a girl and because you are my girl." Since then Eva tried her best and when her dad's company shot up, her family finally got their thoughts together and got serious, even her mom started working. 

This was 3 years ago. Her mom gave her courage, happiness, and was her own flesh and blood for pete's sake!


Eva did something not even she believed she would have done. She fainted. Her cheeks flushed as she fell and thank god her dad was there to catch her and tried to wake her up.

Before she lost all consciousness, she looked up, not hearing anything her father was saying, all she did was concentrate on a figure on her tree outside. He smiled a huge grin, as if he was a maniac (probably is though) and jumped off. She knew deep inside after that, that this was a very dangerous situation and that it wasnt going to end well for her.


 Short chapter sorry to people who like this :D but i need to stop there... anticipate for the next chapters!! i promise they will be long xD

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