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'Hey there Delilah, what's it like in New York City?
I'm a thousand miles away but girl, tonight you look so pretty, yes you do
Times Square can't shine as bright as you, I swear it's true'

*Ryder's P.O.V*

I'm a mafia leader...

Most people already know that but my biggest surprise was when I talked to Bella for the first time she didn't recognise me but maybe that's a good thing, maybe if she knew we wouldn't be together she would've probably ran away.

I think it's time to tell her the truth before she finds out from someone else, I know that Max will probably tell Ari since he likes her but I just hope everything goes well.

We all woke up early in the morning so right now I'm in my room about to tell her who I really am.

*Bella's P.O.V*

Right now me and Ryder are sat in his room because he needed to tell me something and if I'm being honest I'm kinda scared he's normally really laid back but right now he seems serious and a bit nervous.

I start to play with my hands trying to distract myself from thinking about something really bad. He grabs my hands in his holding them tightly

"Please calm down"

"Okay but please tell me what you wanted to tell me"

"Okay but after you hear this I want to let you know that i'd never let me or anone else hurt you so don't be scared"


"Let me explain everything before you run or whatever"

"yeah okay"

"So my dad has been the leader  of the Italian and American mafia ever since he was 15 so when I turned  15 I moved here with Max and took over the American part that's when we met Noah then my dad gave me the Italian part when I was 20 because he wanted to retire and spend more time with my mum siblings and to be honest I wanted to be in the mafia business because I wanted to be like my dad and when I was younger he was my hero because he always did everything in his power to protect our family and I swore that if I ever found someone I'd do the same thing and I promise if you stay I'll protect you with everything I have just give me a chance"

I sat there frozen I didn't know what to say but I knew that I wasn't gonna run because I really like Ryder and it would be stupid to let what we have go because it could be really good. So I do the only thing I could thing off... I jump on him and hug him making him fall back onto the bed but he still hugs back.

"I'm guessing that means you're staying?"


"But why?"

"Because if what we have is gonna end up good then I'm not gonna waist it and run from you because I really really like you Ryder"

"I really really like you too Bella"

After he says that he leans up and kiss my grabbing my hip in the protest I wrap my arms around him neck playing with the back of his smooth hair. Halfway through our make out Max comes barging through the room holding  Ari's hand in his and interrupting us.

(Max) "Hey gu- shit sorry"

Him and Ari try to hold in their laughs which doesn't work, Ryder lets out a huff and chucks the pillow at them I just cuddle into Ryder watching the scene play out in front of me.

"What the fuck do you want?" Ryder says bluntly

"Jesus calm down we just wanted to know if you wanna come with us Noah wants to show us all something?"


"Yes we'll come" I interrupt him and climb off of him making him huff even more

(Ari) "Great let's go"

We all head down stairs were Noah is waiting nervously pacing, once he heard us walking downstairs he looked up and gave a small smile to which me and Ari smiled back at and the two boys nodded their heads slowly confused with what's going on.

(Bella) "Where are we going?"

(Noah) "To see someone"

(Ryder) "Do we know them?"

(Noah) "You two do" He points at the boys

(Max) "Okay..."

We all walk to Noah's car him in the front, me and Ryder in the middle, Ari and Max in the back. He's driving his big 7 seater today which probably means the person we are meeting is coming with us.

We arrived at the airport where Noah got out and walked in and I'm guessing he went to wait for the people to get off the plane. 10 minutes later he walked back holding hands with this beautiful blonde who had a massive smile on her face.

"What the fuck is he doing with her?!" Ryder shouted looking angry and starting to unbuckle his seat belt

"Who is she?" I grabbed his hand to stop him getting out which sort of worked because he closed the door and sat properly

"My sister" Ryder said through gritted teeth

"Oh... well calm down and wait for them to get in the car"

"Fine" He spat out, jeez someone's moody

Just then they both got in the car. Ryder's sister turned around shocked to see me and Ari in back with the boys since she's never met me but them gave me a smile.

"Hi I'm Izzy, Ryder's sister" she stuck her hand out which I shook

"Hi, I'm Bella and that's my best friend Ari" I smiled back and she waved to Ari who waved back both with smiles on their faces.

She turned back around, grabbed Noah's hand which made Ryder tense up and hold my hand tighter, I rubbed his knuckles with my thumb calming him down.

We got back to the house, we all got out and went into the house.

That's when shit hit the fan...


Oops sorry...

Published 11th April 2020

-Ella x

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