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we both shout causing all the people on the Party look at us he hold my wrist and bring me to a empty room...

"why are you here?" he said while closing the door

"i'm the one who supposed to ask that question...why are you here?" said turning my head to him

He did not answer but i just i go to him and slap his face,just wondering if he's true or just my illusion,Wait...he's really here my love,my world,my everything,My Jungkook...

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" he said and punch me causing me to fall in the bed...this is why...this is why i break up with him...my eyes got teary and look at him...i wipe off the blood that in my cheeks and just look at it...

"why are you here?" i ask calmly and was still looking at the back of my hand...one tear fell from my eyes...while i'm looking at the blood that in my hand i remember the most heartbreaking moment i had in my whole life with him....


"Hey Y/n"

Jungkook said back hugging me while i'm here cooking

"Y-yes Baby?" i ask as he turn off the stove and turn me around him

he smell Is like Alcohol oh wait,is he drunk?

"Did you drink?" I ask as he just look at me with a Lust of His eyes

"No baby i'm not" He leaned to kiss me but i Refused it and try to go away

"I'm Gonna Re-Yah!" i said as Jungkook pull me in his Arms Hugging me And Started kissing me

I try to Be free in his grip but his Stronger than me

"YAHH!JUNGKOOK!!" i scream on top of my lungs but still Jungkook did not Stop

"Shh baby Don't we will have fun" he whispered Giving Shivers in my spine

"Jungkook!!Pleaseee!!Stoppp!!" I beg but Jungkook still did not Stop

I Kick his balls 'cause i don't know what to do and Run to go away but Jungkook Hold My Feet 'causing me to fall

"Jungkook!!!!Goo awayy!!!" I Shout at him but like i always said Jungkook really needs it that time like wtf?i'm not ready that time

"Shhhhhh baby shut up!" He said and He Get the pan in the stove and Pat it in my head as Hard as he can

And then suddenly All went black

I just woke up that time in the Hospital and Jungkook?We don't have any News about him after that 'Rape incident' Jenny and Aunt said that the cops is now finding him but i Stop them


"why are you here?" i ask once again calmly

"Brother of Park Jimin" he said and sit beside me

"Oh ok" i said i was now a mess,crying when i remember the worst past i have...it's not the most worst moment i have tho...

"I-im sorry if im a mess you kno--" i didn't finish my sentence because he Kiss me in my lips i didn't kiss him back,i was in shock on what he was doing to me like bro Wtf?He just Punch my Face A few munites ago and then he Gonna kiss me?...when he notice that i'm not kissing back he pull out..

"I-im sorry it's just i m-miss you" he said and look down i hold his hands and he look at me while i smile at him

"I miss you too!" i said he smile at me and was about to hug me but i hold his arm stopping him to hug me he look at me confused

"But Jungkook we're done right?After that Incident we're done you left me without Saying or leaving a letter Jungkook I'm sorry" i said and i remove my hands in his arm he stand up and open the door ready to Go away

"And..." i said and look at his back he stop his movements but didn't look at me

"stop talking to me or Contact me,please?" i said and he open the door i go to the bathroom and wash my face,Taking off my make up, i look at myself in the mirror and start to cry again and again...and i didn't notice that i fall asleep in the Restroom...



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