I had on a baby blue body suit, pink belt, pink legwarmers and white tennis shoes. I had straightened my hair and put it in a high ponytail with a thick pink scrunchy. I definetly felt like a Barbie doll.

"You look adorable," Chantel said.

"I don't want to look adorable I want to look hot," I whined.

"Well you should've thought about that before picking a costume like that."

"Why are you always hating, Chantel?"

"Okay, bitches not tonight please," Kendra begged.

"Right," Yasmine said. "I want to go a night without ya'll coming for each other's ncks." She wrapped us in a group hug. "Good vibes only, my dudes."

We all looked at each other then burst out laughing. Yasmine's desire for peace and wanting everyone to be happy was exactly why her Hippie costume was such a great fit. We walked inside o the house and was immediately greeted with the smell of smoke and loud music bumping from a speaker. I hoped this party wouldn't get shut down any time soon because everyone had forgotten about our big loss and seemed to be enjoying themselves. But my main concern was Jay and making sure he was good. He hadn't even replied to my texts when I told him I would be on my way.

I asked around if anyone had seen him but no one had so I just decided to go upstairs to his room. I knocked on his door and got no response. I slowly turned the door knob and sa Jay sitting on his bed drinking a beer.

"Hey, baby," I said softly. I stepped in and shut the door behind me.

Jay looked at me but didn't say anything. He had taken a shower but wore a simple jeans and T-shirt, not the button up and pants we had discussed he'd wear to match my costume.

"Why you not wearing your costume?" I asked, crossing my arms.

Jay only shrugged. I sighed and sat beside him on the bed.

"Babe, don't let the game kill your vibe," I said. "You're the best player on the team. One lost doesn't define you."

"I hate losing, I never lose," Jay said quietly.

"we cant't always be winners. That's not how life works. You win some, you lose some."

Jay glared at me and his eyes got dark.

"I don't need your stupid ass pep talk or whatever the fuck you're trying to do," he snapped.

"Stupid?" I said, standing up. "What's stupid is you being a crybaby about a fucking game that's not even going to matter in the long run."

"Oh yeah?" Jay stood up and got in my face.

I backed up but he only followed my movements.

"Whatever, I'm going downstairs," I said. I turned around but Jay grabbed onto my arm. "Jay, let go that hurts." I tried remove his grip but he only tightened it. He pushed me hard away from him causing me to fall on the floor and bang my head on the wall.

"You want to go downstairs? Go then!" he yelled.

I stared in shock. I had never seen him get this angry with me. I slowly started to stand up from the floor but Jay used his foot to push me back down.

"What are you doing?" I exclaimed in disbelief. I was in too much shock to even cry. Jay and I stared at each other for a few seconds. I shakily started to stand back up and he watched my every move. Without saying a word I opened the door and walked out.

What the hell had just happened?

I walked downstairs. I could barely contain my composure I was still confused and in shock at what had just gone down. I could handle an argument but physically being harmed swasnt something I epected. It wasn't even something I considered I'd ever be in a position for.

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