Vampire Murders.

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Los Angeles

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Los Angeles


The weeks past quickly, before Abigail knew it another month had passed in her stay the BAU. All was well, she had worked on 6 cases that were as equally disturbing as the last. Nothing she could not deal with, she had seen far worse in her time in LA. The gore did not bother her, the blood was just a stain but it was the innocent lives that were stolen that bothered her. When they were just people, flawed but innocent in their own right. When mothers were murdered for the color of their hair, boyfriends murdered by slutty ex-girlfriends, kids who were taken because of jealous elder. It all hurt her, somewhere but she pushed it away.

When her job in LA became too much she would resort to her three B's to fix her problems. Boys, booze, and bongs however unlike in LA pot was very much illegal. Abigail found that the FBI dealt with more innocent deaths than she did in LA. All her illegal jobs normally ended in a gang member or drug dealer dead, nothing heart-wrenching or made her feel things. Seeing dead babies, that made her heart clench because that could have been a child she knew, loved, or cared for but it wasn't or ever would be. So Spencer Reid had been getting laid an awful lot more than he used to.

It seemed that every moment Spencer had free he was at home with Abigail Bethear in his bedroom reducing him to a mumbling mess. Abigail found Spencer was not polite in bed, he was sweet but his grip on her hips became tighter every time she entered his bedroom. He was louder as she figured out what he liked, he loved it when she pulled at the hair at the base of his neck or scrapped her nails under his ribs. Spencer talked more in his home than he ever did in the office but even then she came there intending to separate herself from the world in a naked mess so their conversations were never very long. She always left too, never overstayed her welcome, and unlike prior people she had been with Spencer genuinely cared. He always asked her if she was fit to drive after round three but she always said yes. She could not stay the night, she refused to cross that line, at least for now.

She asked first every time what his plans for their days off were. He never called first or sent her a suggestive text. She did not want to overstay her brief welcome, they were both there for sex and nothing more. At work the pair stayed professional, there were flirty winks from Abigail but Spencer would only smile at her.

May came with a change in the wheater, so did the atmosphere in the BAU office. The team had become used to the routine Abigail had unintentionally implemented. Every morning she walked in at 6:30 and was in her office at 7, there were daily printer runs that brought distracting company with some of their paperwork on days hey were actually in DC. So when Abigail asked for a week off it was a bit odd.

    "What do you mean you're taking time off?"

      "LA needs my help."

      "The whole state?"

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