Flatline pt.2

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"So, what? You two think this is all one big misunderstanding?"

"That's a very good question. Why don't we ask them?" the Doctor asks. While George keeps watch, Rigsy gets a step ladder for Clara to go up to sonic the speakers.

"We need to find a way to communicate," the Doctor says.

"Why can't the TARDIS just translate?"

"Because their idea of language is just as bizarre as their idea of space. Even the TARDIS is confused" I reply.

"This is a bad idea. What makes these colleagues of yours think those monsters even want to talk?"

"We know a race" the Doctor and I are searching the TARDIS for something "made of sentient gas who throw fireballs as a friendly wave. We know another race with sixty-four stomachs who talk to each other by disembowelling" I say.

"They've got a hunch" Clara replies.

"Our point being that in a universe as immense and bizarre as this one, you cannot be too quick to judge. Perhaps these creatures don't even understand that we need three dimensions to live in" I say as I reach underneath the console "they may not even know that they're hurting us."

"Do you really believe that?"

"No. I really hope that. It would make a nice change, wouldn't it? Ok. Let's start with pi. Even in a flat world, they would have circles. I don't mean edible pie, I mean circular pi. Which I realise would also mean edible pie but anyway" I say as I type on the console, then the screwdriver flickers and sounds come out of the speakers.

"They're responding. The TARDIS is translating now. It's a number. Fifty-five" the Doctor says.

"Fifty-five? What does that mean?" Clara asks.

"Tenth Fibonacci number. Atomic number of caesium."

"I know what it means. We all have numbers on our jackets. Have to sign them out. That was the number on Stan's jacket, the man they flattened in the subway" Rigsy says.

"They're gloating."

"We don't know that" I say.

"It could be an apology, for all we know?" Clara says.

"Really? That's nice of them."

"An apology? Are you seriously..." the man gets cut off by more sounds.

"Shush, shush, shush. Listen. Wait" Clara says.

"Two two. Twenty-two" I say.

"Twenty-two," Clara says.

"That's George," Rigsy says.

"Looks like your number's up, George. Now they're threatening."

"Maybe. Or maybe they're showing us they can read" Clara says.

"Oh, grow up. They're picking targets."

"Of course, you'd see it that way" Rigsy replies.

"What do you mean by that?"

"George?" George is standing very still.

"Everyone's out to get you, aren't they?" Rigsy asks.

"In this case, they kind of are."

"Clara, be careful" I say as Clara steps to one side whilst looking at George, and sees that he is just a two-dimensional image. Then that dissolves into the wall and floor.

"The tunnel! Doctor, Seer, they've got George."

"We know. We did see" the Doctor replies.

"What now?"

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