"You aren't sick Wisp, why didn't your parents explain this to you?" Najenda asks. I tense up and frown, "parents..." Everyone becomes silent. "I don't really know...who or where my parents are." I explain. "What do you mean?" Tatsumi asks and I shrug.

"I don't know if they're dead or alive or their whereabouts." I say simply, not adding detail. "What is your back story Wisp? You never say." Mine states bluntly and I shrug.

"Not much to say. I sort of just exist. No purpose, no importance to anyone. I don't even know where I was born, my early memories is being called names, getting made fun of, excluding me and rejection. I don't know anything about myself. I know about as much as you do honestly." I scratch my head.

"Then how'd you survive this long?" Akame asks. "Learn from my mistakes, listen to what people were saying is bad or good." I answer. "Have you always been blind? Why do you wear those contacts? Could you take them off?" I feel myself shake slightly at the last two questions.

"I wasn't always blind. I wear them because I need to...?" I answer unsurely. "How'd you become blind?" Akame questions next. "Um....I don't.....People would..." I try to explain it myself but it's hard to put into words. "P-People would always tell me I'm different and I didn't belong. So I'd stare in the mirror each day and pick out what was so different to separate me and them."

I play with a piece of my hair. "I had eyes, I had a nose, I had a mouth but I still didn't know what made me weird....an outcast. I figured that it was only some people who thought that way and they had their own opinion. Then...I don't know the term but I was pushed down, held underwater, attacked, more and more. I didn't understand it then and I don't think I do now.

"At one point, I figured, 'if there's nothing wrong with them. There's something wrong with me.' I didn't know until I got humiliated in front of everybody. It was bad, I wondered what I did so wrong to deserve something like that and I still do. I had tried to copy someone to see if maybe that's why I was treated different but it wasn't. That's why I was humiliated, I tried to fit in and it didn't work.

"After that happened, I didn't want to look at myself anymore. I didn't want to see the girl staring back at me in the mirror. I didn't want to envy any other girls or boys. I wanted to see nothing, but at the same time everything. I didn't know how or why, I was just tired of it. At first I tied a clothe over my eyes for days at a time.

"Some kids took it off and made me look at them, then at myself and I still couldn't see the differences between all of us. I knew that would keep happening so I snuck into a lab one day and searched the we- well I researched. I found something that said it could temporarily blind you. Surprise, surprise, it was a spell.

"I've never been one for magic but I tried it. I-I messed up something, I still don't know what and then I couldn't fix it. I couldn't see or ask for help. A...act I watched when I was younger showed me someone blind and how she would send pulses through the ground to see. I did the same but I meditated more than anything.

"I enhanced the normal senses a human would have because they all became stronger when I was blind. I asked for help but I was just laughed at and called stupid. So I tried to get smarter by reading books." Someone stops me, "how can you read books if you're blind?" I frown, "easy. You feel the letters with your hands. They have books specially designed for that." I explain.

"I don't even know how it started but I started to fall into...well never mind. Let's just say I met the person in the act. Her name was Toph and she taught me a lot of things on being blind." I smile slightly. "Somehow we got moved apart. Then my life continued from there but I won't explain everything."

"Can you show us your eyes?" I shake my head, "I don't think that's a good idea." Mine whines, "just show us!" I frown deeply at her. "Please show us," Akame requests nicer than Mine had. "....alright but I warned you." I say, taking out my contacts slowly and keeping my eyes closed. "We can't see past your eyelids." I grit my teeth at Mine.

How the Heck Did I Land Here? ~Akame ga Kill fanficWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu