Chapter 41: Fearing Dreams

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Steve woke up groggily to the sound of soft jazz music. His head pounded and his body ached. He turned his head to see Sam sitting across from him reading a book.

"On your left." Steve muttered.

Sam looked up and smiled.

"You're one tough dude, Steve." Sam chuckled, setting his book down next to him.

Steve gave a slight chuckle then frowned and sat up a little, wincing from the effort.
"Renae? Where's Renae? Did she..."
He swallowed hard.
"Did she make it out?"

"Easy, Cap. Relax." Sam said pushing him back into a laying position on the bed. "She's fine. She's recuperating in the room across from you. She's sleeping right now."

"Bucky." Steve muttered under his breath.

"Say what now?" Sam asked cocking his head confusedly.

"Bucky saved us." Steve said.

"Yeah. He's also the one who knocked the crap out of you both." Sam pointed out.

"Well, he did save us after that." Steve replied with a slight smile.

"Yeah. He saved you guys. He's gonna have to do alot more for throwing me off a freaking Helicarrier. Some chocolate and a bouquet of roses with a sincere apology note is a good start." Sam mused.

They then both looked at each other and started to chuckle.
I groggily blinked my eyes. Felt like I was swimming through syrup. My body hurt and I heard an annoying beep around me. I looked to see myself hooked up to all sorts of machines. I then looked to my left to see Natasha sitting there watching me.

"You're awake." She stated calmly as she watched me.

"Yeah." I yawned stretching. "Guess I am."

I coughed as my throat burned from dryness.
"May I have some water please, Natasha?"

She walked over to a small table nearby and poured me a glass. I greedily drank it as my body screamed for more. I looked down sadly at the empty cup.

"I can't give you any more. You'll get sick. You shouldn't have drinker it that fast either." Natasha scolded taking the cup away from me.

I watched as she set it back on the table.

"Natasha? How's Steve? Is he ok? Is there any sign of Bucky?" I asked softly.

"Steve's fine." She replied taking a seat. "He took a few good hits but he'll be alright. No sign of The Winter Soldier."

I winced at the use of Bucky's title. I prayed that if he ever turned his life around that people wouldn't hold that name over his head.

"He saved us." I murmured gazing out the window at the busy D.C. traffic below.

"Pardon?" Natasha asked raising an eyebrow.

"He saved us." I repeated. "Bucky. He remembered at the end. He saved Steve from drowning and me from falling to my death."

Natasha was silent as she observed me.

"Thank you." She said after a while.

"Hm?" I asked being pulled out of my thoughts.

"I said thank you...for saving my life. At The Triskellion. You didn't have to do that for me...especially after the way I treated you." Natasha said looking down at her lap.

"It's no problem, really." I said with a soft smile.

"No. It was. I wouldn't have saved you. I was hoping that you would die in this mission and reveal yourself as a traitor. I wanted that...but deep down I knew you weren't a traitor. You were innocent. I guess with all that has happened I needed someone to blame, and you were the perfect target. I'm sorry, Renae." Natasha said as she kept her voice professionally steady but I could feel the emotion under it.

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