"Nothing!" Cisco replied, as Chloe laughed, "I'm messing with you, Ramon-"

"Oh." Cisco let out, before Barry started to leave the cortex, Cisco quickly following.

"Well- I'll be back!" And with that Chloe left the building, passing Cisco and Barry before making her way to her apartment and getting her cat as well as food and water for Sasha. Then she came back to STAR Labs, less that 15 minutes later.

"You're giving Barry a run for his money." Cisco joked, making Chloe scrunch up her nose in inaudible laughter as she held her cat. And with that Barry, Cisco, Chloe and Kendra set of to Star City.

CHLOE WALKED BY Cisco and Kendra in what she was calling The Arrow Cave, Sasha in her arms.

"Okay, STAR Labs is impressive, but this is-" Kendra was cut off by her boyfriend? Chloe wasn't sure what they were.

"This is completely wrong!" He turned to Team Arrow, "Did you guys even look at the specs I send over?"

"Don't think they did, Cisco." Chloe responded, turning to the group, "Sup." She nodded her head.

"This is a tragedy. I'm mourning for the death of engineering." Felicity's mouth fell open as Chloe laughed.

"Copper wiring to handle the processing speed from the Palmer Satellite, or else your system is gonna overload." Cisco told them, hand on his hip.

Oliver looked annoyed at the man, as he also eyed Chloes cat.

"Yeah, but that hasn't happened. I mean-- It hasn't happened since last week. . I mean, it didn't- It happened yesterday." Felicity rambled.

"How I missed the rambles of Felicity Smoak." Chloe chuckled.

"Hi." Kendra interrupted.

"I'm Felicity." The blonde told Kendra.

"I'm Kendra Saunders." She walked over, holding out a hand, "I'm Cisco's..." She trailed off not knowing what to say.

"She's, uh, my, uh, new beautiful friend who kisses me occasionally." Cisco answered, awkwardly as Chloe laughed once more, patting her cats head. There was an awkward silence, Oliver letting out a sarcastic, "That's nice." Under his breath.

"Right." A short haired brunette female spoke up, "Um, I'm Thea. This is John Diggle and my brother."

"Oliver Queen." Kendra spoke.

"Hi." He smiled to the woman.

"Wow. Okay, first to meet The Flash and now the Green Arrow. Do you have any other surprises for me?" Kendra asked Cisco, who Chloe stood next to.

Chloe shrugged, "I mean, I'm like a part time superhero. Code names Electra." Cisco laughed, nervously, "Besides that, no more surprises." He all but pleaded.

"Barry, said that you need our help. Somebody very dangerous is after you." Oliver spoke to Kendra.

"Yeah, and I have no idea why." Kendra told the man.

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