The two orders of bibimbap are served to their table. Silence ruled between the two as they mixed up the ingredients of the dish and started to eat it. Kkaejin felt as if this was an edible treasure to her. She missed the taste of the egg, vegetables, meat, and rice that were dancing on her taste buds. "How does it taste, Hyunjin?" She asked. "It's so good," Hyunjin replied. "Anyway, I wanted to ask this. How did you meet this Jiyeon?"

"I met her when we were in high school. She used to eat alone at lunch until I decided to give her some company."

"Ah," Jiyeon mumbled, nodding her head and pretending she knew just now. "What was her reaction when you first sat with her?"

"She just allowed me to sit with her but at first she was just very silent. She also doesn't make any eye contact with me and she'd leave me right after she finished eating. We just got acquainted when I gave her small conversations."

"I see. It seems that she was just shy."

"She really was. But once you get to know her, she's really nice and fun to be with."

After about fifteen minutes of talking and eating, Kkaejin stood up and Hyunjin followed. "Let's go. It's getting dark in here."

They rode their bikes and felt the cold night air brush through their skins. "You know, I feel like having to love someone like Jiyeon was something I cherish a lot," Hyunjin confessed. "Losing her was the worst memory."

Kkaejin zoned out at his words. She wanted not to believe him, but something in his voice did her the opposite. Just then, a violent bump was felt during her ride, and she lost balance and grip to her bicycle.

Hyunjin saw the scenario. She fell to the right side, and He immediately stopped and ran to her side. The cement or the asphalt of the track gave bleeding scratches to Kkaejin's arms and legs Without thinking, Hyunjin started to speak and he couldn't even hear his own words in the process.

"Jiyeon-ah! Jiyeon, Are you alright?!"

Kkaejin looked at him in surprise and shock. "W-what? I'm not Jiyeon, remember?"

Hyunjin's eyes searched on hers until he leaned down and hugged her. "I'm sorry.."

Kkaejin confusingly looked at him for a moment, and when she heard sobs on her ear, she sighed and wrapped her arms around him for a hug. "It's alright, Hyunjin." She mumbled, staring up to the sky which was already a mixture of dark orange and dark blue, and decorated with countless stars. She didn't mind doing this for a while since no one was passing by in this place.

"I wanted to say sorry to her. I want to say sorry for everything. I wanna have her back. I wanna hold her hand. I wanna be comforted by her.." Hyunjin croaked out while he was sobbing. He felt pats in his back, and he registered that it was Kkaejin. "I'm here for now. Take your time." She mumbled.

She let him sob on her shoulder even though she was physically and emotionally hurting at the moment. She smiled slightly during this period. It was funny how he was crying on his ex-girlfriend's shoulder and venting about her while he didn't know it was her. After a while, Hyunjin's breathing turned to normal, but they stayed like this a little longer. "Hyunjin, I think we should go. We've been like this for 30 minutes, actually."

Hyunjin moved and straightened up. "Let me carry you, Kkaejin. You're bleeding." He said, holding his hand out. "I can do this on my own. Don't worry." Kkaejin replied. "No, let me carry you. I don't want you to be in more pain." Hyunjin protested and smiled with a sniff. Kkaejin chuckled and took his offer. He gave her a piggyback and once he made sure he was balanced, he took the two bikes using his two hands and walked home with her. They reached home eventually and Hyunjin kept the bikes while Seungmin took care of his cousin.


Kkaejin washed herself up after an adventure, and he headed to her room. Just before she opened the door, Hyunjin said something.

"Are you going to be fine now, Kkaejin?"

"Yeah, Hyunjin. Are you going to be fine?"

"I'll be okay."


"Good night, Kkaejin."

"Goodnight. See you tomorrow."

"Yeah, See you."

Kkaejin smiled brightly.

Hyunjin look at her for a good moment and smiled back.

"You are beautiful like her."

And by that, he walked inside his room and closed the door.

she felt her face glow red before she walked inside her room and let sleep drift her away when she hops to bed.

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