Part 5||Chapter 2

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(I'm doing a flashback so y'all can see the aftermath of him getting shot)


Jada screamed from the top of her lungs as she ran out of Jigz car. Jigz was right behind her. A bunch of nurses and doctors surrounded Elijah gurney as they rolled him into the emergency entrance.
"NO!" She screamed as she tried to follow them into the operating room. Jigz grabbed her as a nurse held out his hand stopping her before closing the doors.
"Get off of me" she cried. He let her go and she tried to push open the doors, but they was locked. She fell to her knees in front of the doors as she cried.

"I-I-I can't...I can't...I can't" she kept repeating as she shook her head. Her vision was cloudy and everything moved in slow motion as she shook her head. She felt someone pick her up from off the floor.
"Jada! Jada!" Jigz Shouted. Jada opened her eyes wide as she just stared at him.
"I can't...ahhh I can't do this without him" was all she said as she broke down in tears. Jigz hugged her. He didn't wanna believe it, but his gut was telling him Elijah was gone. He hugged her tighter as they both cried. When she said I can't... she meant she couldn't go on living without him. They was each other's heart and without the other, she felt like life wasn't worth living for.


Jigz glanced down at his watch. It read 5:12am. They've been here for almost an hour without no update on Elijah. Jada sat next to Jigz with her knees pulled to her chest. Her eyes was glued on those double doors they took Elijah through. 10 more minutes passed and the doors finally opened. One of the doctors walked out with a clip board in his hand. Jigz quickly got up and approached him. Jada shook her head and looked off not wanting to hear the unthinkable. She covered her eyes as she cried.


The sound of machines beeping was all that you heard. Jada let out a shaky breath as she stepped in the room. Her heart raced and her body shook. Jigz grabbed ahold of her arm because she looked like she was about to pass out or something. She looked up at him and he gave her a look.

"It's ok, you don't have to go closer. Just calm down ok. He's fine." Jigz said. Jada nodded. She knew Elijah was ok, but it still scared her seeing him look so lifeless. Jada stood by the door as Jigz slowly walked up to Elijah. Jigz couldn't help but cry as he looked down at his cousin. He kneeled down as he placed his hand on Elijah's hand. Jada quickly approached the bed . She immediately broke down in tears. His right eye was blue and black and she could tell it was slowly swelling up. He had a bandage above his eye and one on his head. The whole front section of his hair was shaved off. He was alive though.

Later that day...

It was 10 am and Jigz insist on Jada resting. But her stubborn ass declined.
"I can't sleep right now Jigz." Jada said. Jigz nodded.
"Ok, I'm going to my crib and changing out these bloody clothes and I need a fucking blunt to calm my nerves or something. I be back in a hour...I'll bring you something to change into ok" He said. Jada nodded. Their house was now a crime scene so nobody was allowed in.
" you Ja. I be back soon...Love you E" Jigz said as he touched Elijah's leg before leaving.

Jada looked over at Elijah. She gently placed her hand on his. She sniffled.
"I thought you left me" she cried as she rubbed her eyes. She scooted the chair beside his bed closer as she rested her head on his hand.
"I love you" she kept repeating.

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