"Oh, really do they pay more or are you just looking for something different?" I continued.

"A couple dollars more," she said. She looked up from the dustpan and stared intensely at me with the same eyes of her brother. She was pretty when she wasn't looking down all the time. "Are you and Jayden dating?"

I was caught aback by her question.

"No?" I said with a hint of confusion. "Why do you ask?"

She seemed shocked by my answer but quickly made her face appear disinterested again.

"Just wondering," she said.

"Does he like me?"

"I don't know."


Naomi opened her mouth to say more then closed it again.

"What?" I said.

"Huh? Nothing I didn't say anything," she said.

"Would you mind if I dated your brother? I mean we've been talking, hanging out during lunch but nothing has come out of it. Is he always like this with girls?"

"I don't know and I don't care. You should get back to work." She pushed past me.

"Whatever," I mumbled to myself and headed back to the playroom.


After work I started my walk to the nearby bus stop. While I waited for the bus a car pulled into the gas station where the bus stop was in front of. It was a familiar looking Dodge. The window rolled down and Jay grinned.

"Hey, Amore. Need a ride?" He asked.

I could see Naomi's head in the passenger seat. For whatever reason I felt uncomfortable accepting the ride. It was nearing October though and the nights were getting cooler and wind gently filled the night, so I used that as an excuse to say yes.

"Sure," I called back. I got up from the bench and walked over to the car. Naomi remained in the passenger seat.

"Get in the fucking back," Jay snapped at her.

Naomi rolled her eyes and stepped out of the car.

"I'll get in the back it's no big deal," I protested.

"No, she'll do it. And without an attitude too."

I waited for Naomi to get in the backseat before moving the passenger seat back to its original position and getting inside. Jay drove off and the car was silent for a couple of blocks.

"How was work?" Jay asked me.

"It was fine," I said.

"That's good. I need to stop by one day and see you. You already look cute in your uniform, but I want to see your cute ass actually working."

I laughed. My uniform was the opposite of cute. Khakis, an orange polo and non-slip shoes wasn't my idea of fashionable.

"When's your next day off?" John asked me.

"Tomorrow," I said.

"I was thinking maybe we could go watch a movie."

I could tell Naomi was listening in on the conversation as well as her eyes boring into my back. I cleared my throat as if that would alert her I knew she was listening.

"I don't know tomorrow is Sunday," I said. "I kind of just want to relax before school, you know."

"You can't relax with me?" Jay looked me with those eyes and smiled.

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