"Jackson Frost, but everyone calls me Jack." He coreccted.
"Elsa Delle." I said, getting up to shake his hand.
"Elsa Delle, as in A Delle's sister?" He asked. I sighed. A Delle was my sister -Anna's- stage name. Everyone still just called her Anna.
"Yeah, she's my sister." I watched in half-amusement as Jack's jaw dropped. In fact, I would have laughed if I hadn't seen the look a hundred times before.
"Wow." Jack said "I can't believe that you're not living in L.A. with her and basking in the famous life."
"It's not my fame to bask in, so I don't." I said matter-of-factly
"Wow." He repeated.
"Well, you can just stand there not believing me, but I'm going to start on my song." I said
"Ooh, can I help?" He asked
"I don't need help." Jack rolled his eyes, as I unfolded the blank sheet music paper.
"Puh-lease." He said. "You have a blank piece of paper and one month to write a song, and you're saying that you don't need help?" Jack asked, bewildered.
"Fine, you can help!" I said, simply because I didn't feel like arguing with him. He took a chair and dragged it next to mine, and sat down.
"Are you going to write something or stare at me?" He asked with a smirk on his face. I snapped out of my small trance and wrinkled my nose at him, before I turned back to my sheet music. I stared at it for a few seconds before Jack spoke up again.
"Do you need help?" He asked
"No." I said flatly, and turned back to the page. After five minutes of tapping my fingers on the page, as if notes would magically appear if I kept tapping, Jack finally cracked.
"Can I help you now?!" He all but yelled.
"Fine, if it would make you happy." I said curtly
"It would very much so." He said wth the same tone. He pulled his chair up next to my bench, and played a smally scale. He played a D major scale and then I had a small tune in my head. I put my hands on the keys and played a nice melodius intro.
"That's good!" Jack said and repeated it on the piano. We kept playing the same thing over and over again, and only got a few more notes in before we decided to put it away for the day.
"Do you want to go to Belle's with me?" He asked. Belle's was the local café and I loved it there, but I wasn't sure if I would love it when Jack was there.
"Please?" He pleaded, making his eyes look big and cute. "It's not a date, it's just lunch." He clarified. I sighed inwardly
"Fine." I said, and grabbed my purse.
"It's okay, I can pay." He said
"No you do-" He took the purse, put it down, and put one finger to his lips to keep me quiet.
"I'll pay." He said, and I knew that I would never get out of this one.
"Fine, let's go."
Hey!!! Thank you for reading, ignore any mistakes, and please don't forget to vote!
This chapter is dedicated to PrettyShane8 because she followed me! Thanks! ♣♣♣

The Pianist | Jelsa
FanfictionIn which Elsa needs to write a song, and Jack wants to help. -awesfab cover by kingdomdance-