Ded and Teenagers

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Don't own the picture it is owned by deadalia on Pinterest The picture is what you look like the band DED is what your band would be don't own any songs let's get into it


Hay bro how you doing, I said as I was on my bands Tour bus as we are heading to the US I've heard that my brother starting a band and then starting there tour the exact same day me and my band we're starting our third Tour, Y/n I,is this really you, asked my best friend Yuu as I just laughed, yes yes it is me man so how ya been, I asked as I heard him cry it hurt me to here him cry but I knew they were cries of happiness so I just let it slide, h-how am I doing you disappear and then you call me out of the blue I'm fucking furious man where have you been this entire time, Yuu screamed as I pulled the phone away from my ear several seconds before he started to scream I snickered as I put the phone back to my ear, so you're done screaming bro to answer your question I've been on tour with my band And I just wanna call you cause I heard that you started a band yourself man I heard one of your songs not bad but not as good as mine go to YouTube bro and look us up Ded hate me bro that's are latest song to be released, I said as I looked at my blazer and grabbed my headphones to put around my neck, and bro I will see you in 13 hours, wait what do you mean 13 hour, Yuu said Through the phone, well my band and me are 13 hours from Japan, what but you said you're going on tour, said Yuu as I chuckled, ya we are our first stop is Japan then we're heading for the US Didn't your band manager tell you that you're going to be touring with us didn't you notice that your Tourbus looked different and why it said Blue wells with DED, i said Laughing all I hear is him make a Gargled sounds from the phone, I didn't know that something was different about the bus, He screamed through the phone as I took it away from my ear, yeah well I was just calling to check up on you see how you're doing and tell you that we will be on tour with you and your band bro so see ya when we land bye Yuu, I said as I hung up my phone, haaaaa I can't believe he didn't know we were going on tour with them, I shouted as my bandmates all looked at me confused, what are you talking about Y/N, said my bandmate Cato, well The band we're going on tour with is blue whales and one of my best friends he was like a little brother to me is the singer of that band, I said as they looked at me shocked, are you kidding me man, my Band-mate and girlfriend Rose said, ya and I am excited and can't wait so should we get started on the new song, I said as they Sighed but Nodded anyway,

Back with Yuu and Fuuka

I stared at my phone after Y/N hung up I blinked several times before sighing, hmmm well I guess this new song has to blow my best friend out of the water, I said as Fuuka looked at me and smiled and kissed me on the cheek, ya we will let's work on a song that will sound awesome I think I heard you got a little Millatti da da da da da da, thay gonna Clean up your look with all the lies in the book To make a citizen out of you Because thay sleep with a gun and keep an eye on you, son so thay can watch what all the things that you do Because the drugs never work They're gonna give you a smirk because thay got methods of keeping you clean They're gonna rip of your heads your aspirations to shreds Another cog in the murder machine thay said all teenagers scare the living shit out of me!, I like it Yuu-kun but I think it needs something else like I think a little bit of a more emo tone, said Fuuka as I thought about it for a second, o I got one thay could care less as long as someone'll bleed so darken your clothes or strive a violent pose Maybe thay'll leave you alone But not me, The boys and girls in the click the awful names that they stick the never gonna fit in much kid but if you're troubled and hurt what you got under your shirt will make them pay for the things that they did! Thay said all Teenagers scare the living shit out of me! They could care less as long as someone will bleed so darken your clothes or strike a violin pose maybe they'll leave you alone but not me woo-oh-ya! They said all teenagers scare The living shit out of me! So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose maybe they'll leave you alone but not me
All together now. Teenagers scare the living shit out of me they could care less as long as someone'll bleed so darken your clothes or strike a violin pose maybe they'll leave you alone but not me! Waaaahh! Waaaahh!
Teenagers scare the living shit out of me they could care less as long as someone'll bleed so darken your clothes or strike a violin pose maybe they'll leave you alone but not me!
H-how was that Fuka-Chan, Yuu-Kun asked me as I have stars in my eyes from listening to him sing, t-that WAS SO AWESOME!!!, screamed Fuuka as I covered my ears, ummm Fuuka please don't scream that close to my ears, I said as Fuka looked sheepish and chuckled, Let's get the other bandmembers in here and put some Melody and heart into this, she said with a fire in her eyes that made me excited for the song to be finished

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