Chapter 8

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Britain woke up from his nightmare, Soviet's warm arms around him. He wasn't dead. He didn't die. He was safe. Soviet held him closer, groaning tiredly. Britain snuggled into his bare chest, sighing. He gently ran his fingers over Soviet's scars, wanting to make sure he was alive. The blankets' weight pressed on Britain comfortably, along with Soviet's arms. Britain sighed softly, closing his eyes. He had to sleep. He had to... sleep.

"Britain," Soviet whispered, gently stroking Britain's cheeks. Britain opened his eyes slowly and met Soviet's gold eye.

"Good morning, baby," Britain mumbled, sitting up. He leaned on Soviet's chest and smiled.

Soviet hugged him and kissed his head, "What do you want to do today?"

Britain hummed, "You choose, I chose yesterday."

Soviet chuckled, "Do you want to watch a movie?"

"Sure," Britain said, standing up and going to his closet.

"I thought we could just lazy around in our pyjamas," Soviet said, hugging Britain's waist.

Britain sighed in defeat and closed his wardrobe, "You win."

Soviet smiled and kissed Britain's cheek, "I love you, precious."

"I love you, too, angel," Britain said.

They did exactly that. They watched movies and ate popcorn. Britain had his first sip of vodka and, according to him, was "almost about to die, it tasted so bad." Soviet reluctantly tried an English muffin and liked it, eating the whole thing. Britain showed Soviet some of his favourite movies, Soviet doing the same.

It ended in the way you would expect any relationship with Soviet to end. In sex.

Words: 260

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