Maybe we should...

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The kids are less enthused than I am about leaving for Christmas. I had to convince them that the plane would be fun and that they would still get their presents, even if they weren't at home. I really need to take them on more trips. I rented a limo from the airport because I thought Will and Leelee would love it. I was right. They're climbing all over everything. I'm sure they'll break something I have to pay for, but I'm too tired to fight with them.

"Dad! The lights change color! They're blue.... now green... now yellow..." Will is chattering endlessly about the features of the car, and I realize how little my kids know about my life. I tried to keep it that way, to some degree, but maybe I should start introducing them to some of the fun things. Like limo rides.

We finally pull up to Stevie's, and I know she's probably running around making sure every pillow and every candle is in exactly the right spot. What she doesn't realize is that my children will wreck it in a matter of minutes. I mentally prepare myself to replace at least a few imported statues.

The girls cling to my side as I knock on the door, and Will hangs back shyly. She answers, clad in a frilly apron with her hair tied into a bun on her head. She looks adorable. I kiss her cheek and hug her, and the kids take turns hugging her as well.

"I'm so glad you guys are here! Mom and I are finishing up some cookies," she explains, brushing flour off of her. Barbara walks into the room and rushes toward me, kissing my cheek.

"It's been too long, Lindsey."

"It has. These are my kids. Guys, this is Stevie's mom, Miss Barbara. This is Will, Leelee, and Stella." The kids are polite and calm for the moment, trying to take in all the sights and smells in Stevie's house.

"Do you play the piano?" Will asks Stevie, noticing the white baby grand in the living room.

"A little bit. I write songs on it. Do you play anything, Will?"

"No, but my dad plays guitar really good."

She grins. "I know that. Did you know your dad and I sing together?"

"You do?"

"We have a band that has been around for a very long time. And your dad and I started singing together before that."

"Oh right. I know dad used to play in a band," Will says, and she looks at me with a raised eyebrow. I shrug. I haven't told them much about my work at all. It never seemed to matter.

"A very famous band," she says, trying to build me up to him. "Maybe later I can show you some pictures."

"That would be cool. Are the cookies done?" I smile a little. He's already totally lost interest.

"Not just yet," she says, taking their coats. "But let's go get you settled into your rooms and then we can come back and check on them, okay?"

She takes them and shows them where everything is, and the girls are completely enamored by their room. Stevie put up canopies over their beds and filled it with little girl things. There are lights and butterflies and pink things everywhere. It's a little girl heaven.

"You really didn't have to do all of this."

"Well, they're going to be here for a while. I didn't want them to get bored," she smiles. I pull her into my arms and kiss her head.

"Where's my room?" Will is less than impressed.

"Just across the hall," she says, leaving the girls to their dolls.

"Legos? Awesome!"

"I'm kind of impressed that he didn't notice the x-game and TV..."

"The X-box?"

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