My Life

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You had grown used to your boring life. Go to school, get bullied, go home, and do your homework. You wished your life was more interesting. But did you really deserve that?

You used to have a normal life.
You used to be just like everyone else. until you got your quirk.

((Flashback time))

You and your classmates where running around playing tag. Your classmates occasionally using their quirks to prevent getting tagged. Your teacher would lightly scold them for using their quirks but wouldn't really mind it at all since their quirks could do no harm.

You were getting chased after by a boy with brown hair. He used his quirk to catch up to you since you were pretty fast.

"hey no fair!" you said as he caught up to you and tagged you. "too bad y/n! You're it" he said with a smug grin on his face

You hated how your classmates always got away with cheating. You could complain to a teacher, but they wouldn't do much to help you. It would make no difference. You sometimes thought about using your quirk to win, but that would only end up in trouble. Your quirk was a danger to you and the people around you.

Your quirk is called "Kaiju" you could turn into a gigantic monster if you can control your quirk good enough
But the bad thing about it is that you could barely control it, you were pretty young after all. Your emotions really play a huge part in how well you are able to control your quirk. Anger, frustration and stress, all these negative emations can cause you to lose control over yourself when using your quirk. It's something you've learned over the years, but unfortunately little you just didn't know that.

But today you decided to be an idiot and use your quirk anyways.

You groaned slightly in pain as you used your quirk to change form. Your bone structure changed to that of a monster, making you feel like shit. But it was all gonna be worth it when you'd catch your classmate and win!

You happily shifted forms into a 2meter long werewolf looking woman. You smiled with a sharp grin as you quickly caught up to your classmate. A shift in their voice was noticeable to everyone else but you. You stopped running and then pounced as you jumped forward grabbing your classmate and pinning them down.

You then quickly got up and turned around to ran away. But stopped as you heard the same kid crying. "huh?. What's wrong" you stepped to the crying classmate who was now lying on ground. But another classmate blocked your way. "Stop it don't hurt him!" what was she talking about, "Hurt him? what do you mean? I would never.." you stopped talking as you realized what you had done

Your crying classmate was covered in scrapes and was holding his head as he cried.

"woah?! What happened? Are you alright?" you said as you stepped forward, hoping to help the kid.

The girl holding the classmate with brown hair stepped back. And yelled

"don't pretend like you don't know! You pushed him on purpose and he hit his head! How could you do such a thing to your only classmate?! Y-You monster!"

The other kids who were watching this play out joined in and started yelling and keeping distance between you and the kid you hurt.

"yeah stay away you monster!"
"you good for nothing!"
"please stay away! "

The kids yelled at you. Some kids didn't even know you at all or what happened.
But what hurt you the most at the moment was what the crying kid said

"I hate you, how could you.."

Hate me? We barely knew each other. Thinking back on it maybe he just said it because we were children and he didn't know any better.

//ᵀʰᵉ ᴹᵒⁿˢᵗᵉʳ ᵀʰᵃᵗ ᴺᵉᵛᵉʳ ᴮᵃʳᵉᵈ ᴴᵉʳ ᶠᵃⁿᵍˢ//katsuki Bakugou X Depressed ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now