Ryan and Reese immediately started to break down into cheers as they ran to go ask their mom, Myta taking the phone and giving the girl, that would become a Herron any time no, a smile, "I don't know, they have their online schoolwork and-."

"Well do it mom! Please! Please!" They begged causing her to sigh softly before looking back at Alina, "Fine! You can go, but make sure you finish all your work." Reese and Ryan cheered before running to go start packing.

"Only for a week!" She called staring in the direction they left before smiling at Alina, "How much are the tickets going to be?" Myta questioned, only for Alina to laugh, "It's alright I got it. I mean I did ask your kids to come to Paris with me, I'll pay. I'm going to book a flights to Dallas and to Paris, so I'll call you back."

"Alright, be careful. Message me when you get here so I can pick you up." The older women waved before hanging up the phone, a soft sigh escaped Alinas lips as she set her phone back down and started to pack again, after booking flights.

She'd head to Dallas tonight, leave with Reese and Ryan in the morning to Paris.

The sudden jingle of the girl made her groan out loud as she stood up again and grabbed her phone. "Hello?" She questioned without looking at the name as she sat back down and continued to pack.

"Wow. And I thought you loved me." A smile came to her lips as her third favorite Herron spoke. "Oh Zach, it's you." She faked an unhappy tone, "What do you want?"

"Not speaking time you until you apologize for your rude behavior to me." The line went silent and after a minute Zach spoke again, "Well!" She burst into laughter as hurt filled his voice, "Alina!"

"I'm sorry babe. I was just talking to my favorite Herrons." Alina replied with a soft smile as she changed their call to FaceTime. "I'm your favorite Herron!" Zach protested with a pout on his lips.

"You're not Reese or Ryan, so you're not my favorite." He rolled his eyes momentarily, "You know what, I'm going to pretend you didn't just say that, so you excited for your trip?"

"Definitely." Alina smiled brightly causing Zach to smile at the look of happiness on her face, "Don't go falling for any other guys." A laugh escaped her lips as she looked at his face, admiring the smile on his sleepy face, "Like Reese or Ryan would let me."

"What do you mean?" Zach questioned as he thought over her words, "Oh right, their going with me." "Huh?" Another laugh escaped her lips, "They wanted to see me, so I'm going to fly to Dallas, pick them up and go to the City of Love."

"You don't have to take them, I know that you need a break and you're not going to get time off with th-." She cut him off as worry started to consume his words, "Zach! It's okay, I have a whole month in Paris, and their staying for a week, I'll have time on my own. Plus I miss my favorite Herrons."

"You know what Alina, you're not my favorite member of Little Mix." A gasp escaped her lips, "Yeah! Well I've been in Daniel Seavey's lane since Idol!" A demonic gasp escaped Zachs lips as Daniels cheering voice was heard in the background.

"Shut up, Giraffe!" Their side went quiet as Zach smirked in victory before the sound of the phone hitting the ground and light replacing the where Zach once was. Screams and yells were heard before Jonah and Corbyn has to break them up form their play fight.

"Daniel, don't touch my man!" Jack yelled from behind the screen as Zach picked up the phone. "Jack, that's actually my man. And don't threaten Dani boy before I tell Marisol."

"Before I tell Marisol, what?" Alina screamed as her best friend walked into the room in a body con dress. "I thought you were at Colbys party with Liz?" Marisol shook her head as she smiled as Daniel stole Zachs phone, "Sol!"

Zach took the phone back and they started to fight again, "I kept getting hit on my drunk guys so I left." Daniel stopped immediately as he heard what his girlfriend had whispered to Alina, "Who? I need their names, please."

"Dani, I'm fine. Plus, I had to take Alina to the airport, you ready." Alina nodded her head, "We have another hour, I canceled the flight to Paris, I'm going to Dallas first."

Marisol nodded before taking the phone as Alina continued to pack, she sat on the bed. "Hi guys!" The boys all said 'hey' as Daniel took the phone again, "Names." She rolled her eyes, "The only name that matters to me is Dan-."

"Alina Del Ray." Alina cut off the lovey dovey quote Marisol was going to tell Daniel. "And Daniel Seavey." Marisol gave Daniel a look, a toothy grin came to his face as they stared at each other.

"We get it, you're in love, give me my phone and let's go!" Alina whined as she took the phone, Daniel giving the phone back to Zach with a pout. "Bye Zachy! Bye boys, love you."

"Love you!" They sang causing Alina to roll her eyes, "Ight Bye." She hung up before they could sing 'Na Na Hey Hey KISS Him Goodbye.' "I thought we had another hour?" Marisol complained as her vision of Daniel was taken.

"Another hour so we can eat, you can call pretty boy on your own time." Alina nudged her jokingly causing Marisol to shove her lightly. "Thank you." Marisol whispered slightly as she pulled Alinas suitcases outside. "For what?"

"For giving me Daniel, for making me realize that I wasn't in love with Noah but that I loved Daniel. Thank you for making me realize that not everyone I meet has to stay. Thanks for being here, Alina."

Marisol pulled the girl into a hug as they stood beside the car, Alina sniffed, "Don't thank me Sol, I'm pretty sure you just smiled at him and he died." The two girls laughed, "I love you, Alina."

"I love you more than I love Zach, Sol."

When You Loved Me / Z.H.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ