Act 1 Scene 8

309 8 2

Jeremy (spoken)
Helloooo? Are you on? (He taps his head) Helloooooooo?!

Mr Heere (spoken)
Jeremy! Are you talking to yourself again!

"Again." Jake highlighted, making everyone laugh.

Jeremy (spoken)
I... guess I am.. huh.

More Than Survive (reprise)

Jeremy (spoken)
C-c-c'mon, c-c-c'mon,

The SQUIP (spoken)
(Spoken) What did we say about masturbation?

"Ugh!" Christine groaned, as Jenna covered the shorter girls eyes. Jeremy turned bright red.

Jeremy (spoken)
I was just gonna...check my email...

"Jeez, Jere! You are such a bad liar!" Michael said, laughing.

The SQUIP (spoken)
You can't lie to me, Jeremy, I'm inside your brain.
Now, we're going to divise a system:
I tally every time you think about sex and that is how many push ups you do.
If this morning is an indicative sample, you'll have pecks in no time.

The SQUIP laughed at his own statement making everyone else just groan.

Mr Heere (spoken)
Coming through, Private.

The SQUIP (spoken)
That's the source of your generic material?

Jeremy (spoken)
That's my dad, yeah.

The SQUIP (spoken)
We should double those pushups

"Damn, why the hate on Mr. Heere?" Rich asked.

Jeremy (sung)
Still not gonna be the cool guy,
But maybe not so left out.

"That sounds familiar." Brooke murmured, waiting for realisation to hit her. "Rewind that crap!"

Jenna rewinded the scene.

"That's was Michael's opening number, then the trumpet blocked it out!" Brooke screeched then carrying on, "The trumpet is-"
"The SQUIP sound!" Everyone shouted in awe.

It really happened, Michael's number got blocked by the SQUIP sound on a trumpet.

"Just some Optic Nerve Blocking..." The SQUIP said, smirking.

"You glitchy son of a bitch." Michael growled. "I thought Jeremy hated me for some reason, but you blocked me!"
Jeremy ran his fingers through Mike's hair softly.

Of all the characters at school,
I might be the one who the story's about.

"Oh honey." Chloe said sounding nice. But then she went into a deep voice and carried on saying, "That's bullshit."

Be More Chill Reacts to Be More Chillजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें