9 ✙ The Weight of Assumptions

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The three suns' heat had replaced the morning chill.

It left the air dry and grasses crackling. Meanwhile, the open market bustled with Terran species twittering. The noises they made sounded foreign to her own click-based language. Though she knew little about the previous Ascendant, Asa sent a silent thank you to Kali the one who created the universal language Icoburi.

Multiple eyes of the avian-like bipedal beings skimmed over her then landed on Renvir. They scurried to the side, giving the two ample space. She stole a look at the Celest from her peripheral vision. Were they scared of the Celestial Energies he used or of his disease?

The Celest must have noticed her attempt at stealth as he turned his head. Quickly, Asa focused ahead. She felt the heat of his gaze linger for another moment before scanning their surroundings.

"The shop is not much further. It is near the end of the row."

Renvir said, pointing near the farthest end of the line of tents. According to the Celest, the open market would disappear in four months due to the rain season. Asa envied their lack of winter but wasn't sure how she would handle days of near-endless rain. At least she could hibernate through the bitter cold. Flooding, on the other hand, demanded much more attention.

"Here it is," he muttered.

Approaching the table, a long-necked, feathered being greeted them. They wore silken robes. Their golden chokers refracted the suns' light ten times over. What caught her attention, however, was their second set of arms. While they had a line of feathers, they had three bare, finger-like appendages.

"Ah, Renvir," the being said, "I'd prefer you not dawdle around today. I need the money, and you scare away customers."

"I will not be long. I am here for a sanding stone."

"I'm not here for joking around either!"

"I am not joking."

The being's mouth opened, about to start another sentence before locking on Asa. Their golden eyes scanned her like they were reading a document, slow and methodical. They narrowed then flicked towards Renvir.

"You're having your swain buy now, are you?"

"We are not-"

"And here I thought you couldn't dig your grave any deeper," the being huffed, grabbing one of the pale gray stones from behind him, "Not that you Celests bury your dead. It has to be burning with you. Just two weeks ago, there was another fire out back of that void-infested Core Center. One day it'll catch the grasses and kill us all, iekls!"

Before they could spit another tirade, the Wikev stepped forward.

"I'm his medic. I'm getting him the sanding stone as part of his treatment, nothing more."

"That's what they all say. Medic, friend, what have you. Whatever, it doesn't matter to me until you two become the smoke I choke on," the avian said, laying the rock on the counter in front of them, "That'll be thirteen cermiths."

Asa's face drained of color. That was two weeks of her salary, and she was paid well compared to many. No wonder Renvir hadn't gotten one before. The Celest eyed her as she fished into her bag. Did she even have that much on her?

While she searched, her hands began to shake. The previous sentence rang in her ears. She knew the Celests didn't approve of interspecies relationships, but she hadn't heard of killing because of it.

You do not have to get it.

His voice slid into her mind as a whisper. Even though she was not one of them, many planet-dwelling species had sensitivity issues with telepathy. She appreciated the gesture.

Behind His Weary Eyes (Novella) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now