Chapter 20 - She's bonkers

Start from the beginning

I scoff as I start to push him out of my doorway and into the hall. "Yeah, it's called studying."

He spins around on his heel to face me, which makes pushing him away nearly impossible now. I grouchily slump my hands into my sweatpants pockets. He points an accusing finger at me, "Then what was the distraction you thought I was talking about?"

I'm taken back at how fast the tables have been turned on me. This interrogation has really been a roller coaster. I typically like roller coasters, but this one is making me feel sick.

He raises an eyebrow as he tilts his head, "You think I don't know..."

With a deep sigh, I respond, "Dad, I'm sure you know all about love and romance, but this is really much more complicated-"

He scoffs, "You think I don't know you're a villain."

The roller coaster just went through a loop upside down, and I just got blinded by the camera taking a picture of my 'I'm going to be sick' face.

When he starts to walk away, I regain feeling in my body and rush to grab his arm. "Dad, please, hear me out. I don't want to be the villain. I'm trying to fix the mess I'm in. That's why the sooner we go back to campus, the sooner I can come up with a plan."

Dad nods along, which scares me because he just dropped a bomb on me and is acting pretty nonchalant now.

"You know your mom and I are pretty skilled when it comes to fighting off villains, Beck. If you just told me upfront, I could've helped you. But ever since you found out about my power, you've shut me out. You've never shut me out before!"

"I went into hiding, so what? You would too if you found out your dad can read minds and you just committed a crime!"

My dad tugs on his curly brown hair, "I haven't been infiltrating on your thoughts, Beck! You made it pretty clear that you were hiding something from me when you wouldn't say more than a couple words to me without rushing off. That's just plain suspicious!"

I throw my hands up in the air, "Maybe I didn't know if I could trust you!"

It's his turn to pinch the bridge of his nose, "But then you started avoiding your mom. That just showed you were feeling guilty about something. Beck, all three of us have always had a good bond. You were never afraid to talk to us about anything when you were growing up. Even when you dented my truck, you confessed on the spot," He sighs as he sits down in my desk chair, "Now, I know circumstances have changed and my power isn't really a comforting one, but I want you to know you can still come to us. Because even though I can read minds, I don't like to. I want us to be open with each other without me having to pry. Got it?"

I run my hands down my face, taking in his little speech. "Okay, yeah, I got it."

Dad nods, "Good. Now I need you to tell me about Emily. Is she putting you up to this villain nonsense? Is she blackmailing you?"

My hands on my face pause at my nose, and I uncover my eyes to look at him like he's a mad-man. "Emily? No way! She's helping me out of my mess."

Dad holds his hands up in surrender, "Okay, my bad, lover boy," I let out a grand sigh, "So she must know you're a super."

I massage my temples, "Yeah, dad, she knows I'm a super. Now, as much as I'd love to fill you in on the backstory behind our cute little blind date, we have to pack our bags and get going before The Undergrounds terrorize our city while we're gone."

Dad's eyes grow wide, and I know I've struck a chord with him by mentioning The Undergrounds. But I don't have the time to listen to his 'back in my day' stories. I have my own story I need to get back to.

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