(Y/n) fought back the urge to punch him right in the face as he went off.

She tried to recall what should happen next and as if on queue the rodent ran across the floor again. (Y/n) decided not to tell Seth about the rat this time so he wouldn't shoot it.

What really confused her was how he could control the rat, she could understand him resetting the room and then repeating the same things but there were some elements that were out of his control.

Like the wall! Where was the tally mark? Or her waking up at the exact same time.

Seth re-entered with a familiar looking sandwich. "Here's your sandwich, don't worry there's nothing funky in there. Just lettuce and vegan cheese. Made with love!" He said the exact words from yesterday.

(Y/n) took the plate and went to sit on the bed and Seth annoyingly followed her. It was then that she remembered him saying that he liked to watch her eat.

'Fucking weirdo.'

She thought it best to hold her tongue at least until she was finished eating so he wouldn't stop feeding her like before.

Because of her decision to not challenge him for the time being, (Y/n)'s meal was eaten in relative silence. She didn't have anything nice to say to Seth and he was far too enamoured with watching her to say anything.

It was dreadfully awkward but if (Y/n) remembered properly then he should have his mother call him anytime now.

The tone erupted from his pocket and (Y/n) let out a relieved sigh that he'd be going.

Seth rolled his eyes, obviously irritated by the intrusion. He checked the contact and then excused himself.

(Y/n) watched him leave suspiciously. He had got all the timing down to a T and his acting was good.

At this time the day before she had looked at the locket that was sitting on the floor. (Y/n) didn't bother inspecting it again.

Seth returned soon enough. "Sorry about that." He smiled sheepishly and then a looked of recognition crossed his face. "Oh! I almost forgot, I've got you a present! Go sit on the bed and I'll bring it to you."

He left her yet again, locking the door behind him.

It was only then that (Y/n) realised that she hadn't tried the door on either day. It was locked... obviously, but she could take a look at the mechanism.

It was unfortunate that (Y/n) knew fuck all about locks as she tugged on the door futilely.

When Seth came back bearing the bag holding her collar (Y/n) stiffened.

"I don't want your gift." She said quickly.

"That's very rude, honey." Seth scolded her. "Stay still, I want to put it on you... if you could just lift your hair away from your neck for me."

(Y/n) didn't do so as he walked closer to her, she just shook her head at him.

"Don't look so moody, you don't even know it is yet, babygirl, I'm sure you'll love it." He tried to cheer her up with a soft smile. A smile that (Y/n) was unable and unwilling to match.

"I won't love it. It's a black leather collar and it's uncomfortable and I don't like it." (Y/n) enunciated her words carefully.

Seth raised his eyebrows in surprise. "How... how did you know?" He was sure it was because they were so in tune with each other.

(Y/n) glared at him. "We've already done this! We've had this conversation before!!! Just stop fucking with my head!"

Seth put the bag down on the floor and took the collar out. "You're obviously quite emotional right now so let me give you your gift and maybe you'll feel a bit better."

again and again ((yandere x reader))Where stories live. Discover now