chocolate and cupcakes <fierrochase>

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Yeah this is not one of my regular ships but it is so cute, and MCGA is just so 'fabulously weird' that I had to do one lil oneshot for them.

Magnus liked chocolate. And cupcakes. And chocolate cupcakes.

Geez, I thought. What else?

I ran through the list.

"Eggs... check. Flour... check... Frosting... where was that?"

Then I heard it. "Alexander?"

I ignored the voice. I knew who it was and I didn't want to talk to the person.

The person who ruined my childhood. And threw me out of the house.

My... ugh... father.

"Alexander, is that you?"

"Yeah... it's me. Alex."

"They told me you died. Why are you here?" It was almost accusatory, like, how dare you not be dead?

Because explaining to him what really happened was out of the question, I just said "Well, must have been a mistake."

"Oh. Because... well have you grown out of this phase?"

"What phase?"

"You know... the... girl thing? Because if yes, you can come back home."

"No. It's not a phase. And you have no right to talk to me that way."

"Why? You got a boyfriend? Girlfriend?"

"That's none of your buisiness."

"Alexander, I'm your father. I... care about you."

"No. You are not my father anymore. You stopped being my father when you kicked me out of the house!"

"Well, uh, I just wanted to say... I care about you."

He cares about me. Oh, now he cares about me. Now that I'm taller. Now that my hair is short, and he thinks I want to be a full-time boy again. Well, I don't.

"No. And I have my own place. I don't need you anymore."

"Fine, then," he said, angrily. "You could've been smart and rich and important! Like our family. But I was right about you all those years ago. You're a disgrace! A disgrace to the Fierro family."

I was out of the store before he could say another word. (A/N: The homophobic and transphobic comments made by Alex's father are not something I agree with or condone. They were necessary for the purpose of the story, but in no way do I agree with them. Alex's father, in my opinion, was very wrong to say such things.)

Confession time: I trashed my room. Really trashed it. Oh well. Those 9 pottery vases weren't my best work anyway. And sofas could be replaced. Same with desk chairs, and Halfborn's shoulder. Well, maybe not, at least not without medical care, but, hey, his fault for not putting on a shirt!

Needless to say, I wasn't ready for my date with Magnus. He arrived, the cupcakes weren't even done yet, and I was crying on my bed.

"Alex! Hey!" Magnus was wearing a T-shirt and jeans, but was holding a boquet of pink roses with long green stems. My favorite colors. It brightened my mood, just a little.

"Oh no..." he said, taking in my trashed room. "What happened?"

"I... uh... saw somebody from my past. Somebody I'd like to forget."

"Your dad?"

I nodded. "He hasn't changed at all..."

"Oh gosh. I'm sorry. If you aren't up for tonight, we can reschedule..."

"No, no. Here, I made cupcakes." I handed one to him and he bit into it.

"Mmmm..." he said, slowly, chewing, then swallowing. "That's... great."

I picked one up and took a bite.

Oh no. In my tantrum/sadness, I had added salt instead of sugar. At least, that's what I think happened. Probably.

"Magnus! Spit it out!"

He spit it out. 

"I'm so sorry, Magnus, I put salt in there instead of sugar!"

"Oh. It's fine. I, uh, brought chocolate," he said, producing a large bar of the candy from his pocket.

We shared the chocolate. "What was that you said? Chocolate must be savored..."

"Chocolate must be savored and not rushed," Magnus finished. 

Chocolate kisses tasted extra sweet.

"Hey, if one good thing came out of the cupcake disaster," Magnus said, "This is it." He told me his plan, and for once, he had a good one.

Let's just say that a certain Mr. Fierro found a package of beautiful chocolate frosted cupcakes that were supposedly from his latest girlfriend, bit into one, and got a very salty surprise.

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