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"it's okay to be scared."


"Why would they hide food for us?" I grumbled as Taehyung and I wandered through the halls, our imprisonment are much bigger than anticipated. "They're making us fight for survival."

"They want to make a statement." Taehyung chimed in, his hands in his pocket, the lightbulbs above us swaying, neither of us have seen the sky since yesterday. "For the press When we tell what happened to us after we get out."

"If we get out." My heartbeat slowed, just, no hope really. They've shown their power. And they made it very clear only money will get us out.

"If we catch any form of police coming towards us, we will kill them." A gunshot sounded and the bullet just missed Hoseok's foot.

"If the money is fake." Another man stepped forward, loading his gun, a mask covering his face. "We will kill them." Jimin yelped as a bullet was shot, just above his shoulder, hitting the wall behind him.

"7 billion and they're free." Another spoke before glancing back at me. "Oh, and if you want her too, she's 500 million." I spat at him, receiving a slap for it.

"Where are they going to get $7,500,000,000 dollars?" We stopped walking, a fork in the hallways. And there was a sound, a sound of movement in the dark hallway. My breath hitched and Taehyung peered into the hallways, but it was too dark to see anything. "What was that?"

"I'm sure it's nothing." Taehyung shrugged, standing up y'all again. "What else could be down here with us?"

"A lion."

"I'll prove to you there's nothing." Before I could stop him, he walked into the dark, not allowing me to protest any longer. "See-"

Silence. Nothing. He had stopped walking. He was cut off. He-

A scream. A blood-curling scream. And, and the blood slowly made it's way from the shadows of the hallway. And, a knife, was, slid across the, the blood, covered in blood.

I fell to my knees, the blood finally stopping it's growth in size, but it was enough, enough to, to kill.

"Taehyung!" I screamed, doubling over from the loss of air after my scream.

"Minjee! Minjee what-?"

I sobbed, someone hugging me. I can't, no...he can't.

"Minjee..." Yoongi spoke, the only one with enough strength. "Where's Taehyung?"

"A noise." I pointed to the dark, my voice shaking, tears pouring down my face. "And, and he went in... he was brave...and and and he said it was...nothing no one- no he didn't finish and then he screamed he screamed so loud and and the blood and....Yoongi he's dead!"

Jimin was the first to break out into a sob, Jin following with Namjoon shaking his head, denying it.

"He can't be dead!" Namjoon cried over us all, our sobs and ugly, ugly screams. "No they wouldn't hurt us! They need us alive!"

"He's dead!" Jungkook screamed at Namjoon, shoving him backwards. "You see that?" He pointed to the blood. "That's his blood! And do you see Taehyung? Cause I don't!" Jungkook covered his mouth, eyes widening after fully realizing what he said to his hyung. Namjoon screamed, doubling over, letting it out.

Do you know why?

Because they aren't BTS anymore.

They aren't seven anymore.

They're six.

And broken.

And Taehyung?

He's dead.

Dead for protecting me. For reassuring me.

I killed Kim Taehyung.


End of 63

just a little short one that i know brightened your day :)

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