thirty seven: panda-eyed Madison

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My eyes fluttered open as sunlight streamed onto my face through the thin fabric of my curtains. A small yawn escaped my mouth and I stretched my legs out below me.

I felt a hand draped over my waist and the memories of last night flooded back to me. The perfect Christmas Day. Almost.

Grayson and I had given ourselves to each other. Emotionally and physically. I had finally admitted my true feelings for him! I loved him, for real. With my whole heart I knew it was true. I realised that I would do anything for that boy, and the thought formed an almost indestructible smile on my face.

But then Grayson's confession smacked that smile straight off of my cheeks. The feelings of sadness and sympathy came flooding back to me. The confusion of how someone could be so cruel to their own son. And the feeling of determination to get Grayson out of that house and away from his dad for good.

I laced my fingers between Grayson's before I heard a quiet sigh escape Grayson's lips. He nuzzled his face in the back of my neck and the electric touch sent tingles down my spine. The grin returned to my face. I wasn't sure if that was a conscious movement on Grayson's behalf, but I was answered when he spoke with a croaky, tired voice.

'Morning babe.' He cheerfully groaned. I pulled his arm tighter round me in response. But before I could get too comfortable, he wrapped his strong bicep round my body and flipped me over so we were face to face.

Immediately, I was very conscious of my morning breath and turned my head away from him as much as I could. I prayed her hadn't already gotten a whiff.

'What are you doing?' He laughed at me. I did have my head turned to an abnormally large angle, so I wasn't surprised if he thought I looked a bit funny.

'You can't smell my morning breath.' I spoke away from him. I attempted to climb out from under the covers so that I could go and clean my teeth, but Grayson's arm was stronger than all of me, and there was no chance of me getting up if he could help it. 

'I don't care about that.' He said as I was still pushing against his arm. I gave up and flopped back onto the bed. I was facing him now, but I covered my mouth with my hand. I avoided speaking so that there was no chance he would smell it.

'I said I don't care Billie.' Grayson repeated as he pulled my hand away from my mouth. He grabbed my chin and pried my mouth open before sniffing my mouth and making a loud mmm sound. 'Smells just like that Christmas turkey.' He teased.

I couldn't help but giggle. He was making me feel special, even when I had stinky breath, bird's nest hair and probably smelled very sweaty after last night's antics.

'Aright fine.' I finally said, still giggling. He kissed me for the perfect amount of time before pulling away with a nervous look on his face.

'Do you...' He began. I gave him a confused look. 'Do you regret... you know... what we did last night?' He finally said.

'No.' I told him truthfully. 'Not at all.' I wasn't more sure of anything in that moment.

I wave of relief washed over his face and he kissed me again. I don't know how long we were making out for before my eyes flew open as the realisation hit me that it was morning and Grayson was still in my room.

'Shit!' I cried. 'You're not supposed to be in here!' I sat up with urgency and Grayson did the same.

'Shit.' He copied.

I grabbed my phone of the table beside my bed and tapped the screen for it to turn on. The time on my phone read 10.03 am. My stomach dropped. It was already mid-morning. There was no way my family were still in bed. And if anyone was up, they would have noticed that Grayson wasn't on the sofa. I was one million percent dead.

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