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Maybe if you guys give me some ideas i can continue the story. I want to finish this story fast cause i have more story doesn't complete. So please help me atleast once?

I wanna know about yugs
Imma waiting
Gtg bye!

Didn't you at home with yugy?
Wait.... You found someone to fuck your ass?


Jungkook stay sat alone at his own garden, backyard. It's full with flower and near corner have fish pond. He take deep breath, jungkook look more skinny. He didn't eat much. He still thinking should he confess to yugyeom or not. He need someone to talk, maybe his hyung can help.


"Jaebeom hyung, can you be honest to me? " yugyeom asked, bringing cup of coffee. He sat across jaebeom.

Jaebeom sat silent a while then nodded.

Yugyeom looked at jaebeom eyes deeply. "What's your job actually? "

Jaebeom feel his world upside down.


Sorry just short chapter.
Keep support me, thank you.
Feel free to message me for idea. I'm waiting okay. Also please stay healthy and always wash hands. 💚

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