Chapter 80 - Khaleel -

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The first time I met Loyal, it was through Hino. We didn't get along right away, and I like to think it was because we were both waiting for the world to screw us over. We had complicated upbringings with parents who weren't always there to hold our hands through trials and tribulations. It took time for us to earn each other's trust but once he had it, I was happy to offer my friendship and services. It felt like Loyal would always have my back and I always tried to return the favour. He never asked me to do anything I felt uncomfortable with and vice versa.

We never had the same taste in women, everyone he put on his do-not-touch list was never my cup of tea. Arisa was our first roadblock and I was afraid that she would be our last. Seeing them together, close and intimate triggered me in a whole new way. I was angry that she ran off without even saying a single word to me in the student council room. I was angry that when I finally caught up to her, she was in my friend's embrace. I had to watch his lips touch hers, and swallow my fear of never being good enough.

"I promise to erase all the curiosity you feel towards Khaleel."

His confidence continued to infuriate me. It made me question our friendship and whether or not he felt like he was above me. Why? Because I agreed to become his enforcer? Because I didn't question him when he tasked me with odd jobs? Did he assume leadership because he wanted to do right by us, or because he thought he was the only one deserving of the title? Did he forget he already asked me to cover for him twice this week? Did he forget that he called me the fastest and strongest of our little group? No worries, I was more than happy to remind him.

My fists clenched. "Why?" I asked, disturbing their 'moment' or whatever the fuck Arisa called it. They turned to acknowledge me. I clenched my fists tighter still, trying to maintain composure, trying my best not to rush over there and punch my friend in the face.

"You scared it might manifest into something real?" I asked. "You scared she might leave you for me?"

Loyal stepped back to glare at me. "Pretty sure she already turned you down, masochist."

Arisa's eyes widened. "Okay," she drawled, coming to face me. "Let's not turn this into a thing. We have bigger problems on our hands. Let's focus on that."

"Masochist?" I scoffed, looking past her at my so-called friend. "Yeah, okay. I deserve that. I'm a glutton for punishment. I'm good at being persistent and going after things I can't have. What of it?"

"Nothing," Loyal replied, putting his hands in his pockets. "Just a little sad to see you working this hard for something so out of your league."

Arisa's head whipped back at him. "Not helping!"

I watched Loyal move in behind her. "All of you have to do is tell me that you want to be together," he said, looking at me but speaking to Arisa. "Just say the word and I can take care of him."

I couldn't stop myself from smiling. I maintained eye-contact as I walked up to take Arisa's hand. I pulled her to my side before speaking. "I would really like to see you take care of me."

"Khaleel," Arisa sighed, struggling in my grasp.

Loyal just stood there and allowed me to handle her, and I was sure it was because he knew his crush was more than capable of fighting me if she felt like she was in danger.

"What is it going to take for you to give up on the idea of us?" Arisa asked. "How many times do I have to tell you that it's not going to happen?"

"Why did you run then?" I asked.

My question got her to stop wiggling. "Because it's unbelievably embarrassing and I'm still trying to wrap my head around what you did!" she hissed, kicking me in the shin.

It barely hurt.

"Then let's wrap our heads around it together," I offered. "Arisa, I'm not joking around with you and I'm not looking for a fling either, alright? Whatever you want to do—whatever pace you want to go at, I'll fucking do it. Just give me a chance instead of writing me off."

Arisa's eyes glistened. I could see fear in them. I could see her hesitating to answer me because of all the obstacles standing in our way, but I could also see hope. I wanted to hold onto it. I wanted to make sure she knew what I was willing to do for her. "You do realize it takes two consenting humans to be in a relationship, don't you?" Loyal's voice came.

My mind went numb. "Would you fuck off for just a goddamn second?" I snarled.

"Khaleel," Arisa finally spoke. "I like Loyal."

"And you don't like me?" I asked. "You're going to ignore everything that happened between us because you're unsure?"

Arisa blinked at me. "You said there was someone else you were after. I misjudged you and thought you were looking to fool around with multiple people, but that's not what you meant. Was it? You meant you were in love with two different girls."

My chest ached and reminded me of Matilda. It didn't matter. I had screwed that up as well. Whether it was love or infatuation, I had hurt her so many times it was laughable. I could never pursue a serious relationship with her. Not after dragging her along this whole fucking time.

"Don't you think you would be happier offering love to someone who is more deserving of it?" Arisa asked. "Someone who likes you back?"

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