"Okay Kat. Is the TV working?"

"Yeah. Looks like he left it plugged in when he disappeared." Katsuki turns on the TV and inserts a flash drive into the side.

"If this is a sex tape I swear to god." I mumble.

"Aww. Will your poor innocent eyes be ruined cause you're anything but innocent."

"Shut up!"

"That's not what you were saying last night."

I grab a pillow off the bed and smack him as hard as I can with it. He yells in surprise and I smirk at him. The TV flickers on and I stop messing with Katsuki.

On the screen is a smiling teenaged red haired boy. Touya. His eyes are full of joy and he looks like he's never been sad before. He must only be 16 in this. His face turns away from what must be the camera he's holding. The room isn't familiar so he must be at a friends house. Or just hiding in another room in the house.

"Keigo!" He calls.

"What?" A tired voice asks.

"Get up sleeping beauty. It's a lovely day."

The camera turns to a half asleep teenage Hawks with sharpie all over his face. Across his forehead is giant letters is BOTTOM BITCH. There's also a mustache and teardrops. Katsuki starts laughing hysterically at the sight.

"Fuck lovely days. I'm tired and my whole body hurts."

"Sorry babe." Touya laughs.

Holy shit. Hawks and my brother were a thing. I mean, you can guess by the way they interact on this but it's still a shock.

A pillow goes flying across the screen and smashes into Touya's face.

"What the hell are you doing with a camera? I swear to god if you recorded anything-"

"Relax bird brain. I didn't record anything inappropriate."

"You better hope you didn't. Now can you please turn off the camera and cuddle me?"

Listening to a young version of a respected hero say this is kind of embarrassing even though I know Hawks is a very carefree and relaxed guy.

"Aww does the birdie want cuddles?"

Hawks huffs. "Yes the birdie wants cuddles."

Touya laughs and places the camera off to the side but you can still see them.

"You should go look at your face." Touya says.

Hawks slowly gets up and glares at a smirking Touya as he leaves the room.

"TOUYA! IM GOING TO KILL YOU!" The bird teen screeches.

"You can try!" He laughs.

I can hear water running in the background so Hawks must have been trying to get the marker off of his face. Some time goes by until Hawks comes back in the room. He face is red a splotchy. Some of the marker is still on his forehead. Touya had been sitting on his phone and looked up when Hawks came back.

"You're a bitch." Hawks mumbles curling up next to Touya.

"And you're my bitch."

Suddenly, Hawks flips them around so Touya is on the outside of the bed and pushes him off. Touya hits the ground with a hard thud.


"I'm so sorry Touya! Are you okay?" Hawks leans his head over the side of the bed towards Touya and Touya takes the chance to kiss him.

Dabi is Touya OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now