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July the 7th 1969

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July the 7th 1969

"Where are you taking me Jimmy?"

"We'll spend the day keeping eachother company, I've had lots of gigs and I think it's time for us to you know-"

"Of course, i love that. I'd spend my life with you forever if I could."

Jimmy raised his eyebrow and tried to find a way how to respond.

"If you could?" He repeated.

I stroked his hand trying to catch up on my breaths, calming myself. James was left in confusion and kept asking me what was wrong. I didn't want to ruin this moment right now, I tried to not think about it too much.

"I don't think this is the perfect timing to tell you this, we'll talk about it later. Don't think about it, okay? There's absolutely nothing to worry about." I lied trying to keep a steady face.

"It's okay princess, don't rush. Just breathe. Everything is gonna be fine."

It felt good hearing his voice, I felt calm. And even though no one would stick up for me, he always would. I know he would. I slowly took control over my breaths, inhaled and exhaled slightly. I did as he told me, there was no time for rushing myself to death. Now I had to focus on Jimmy. Us. Him and I. No one else.

Was I the lucky girl of James Patrick Page? The "tough sex-god rockstar" had a good heart. He was shy, he really was. But the more you got to know him, the more you realized how amazing he was. Beautifully warm-hearted. He didn't want to hurt nobody, he was a good guy. The drugs was the only problem that could ruin him, ruin the people he loved.


"We're finally here, beautiful

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"We're finally here, beautiful."

The landscape was gorgeous, I got out of the car and threw myself on the green, soft grass. I felt the warm wind blowing through my body. Jimmy then put his guitar on the side and layed himself on top of me.

"Get off me I want to look at the view for gods sake!" I let out a laugh while trying to wrestle him away.

"At least you can look at my handsome face can you"

"Oh, don't be silly Jimmy." I tried my best to push him but his hands was quickly pinned against mine.

"Jimmy please-

He interrupted my word with a kiss. Leaning closer to my clothed body, he let go off my hands. I slayed my fingers open through his hair. His hand travelled down my lower stomach and that's when i yanked it off of me.

"We'll save the rest for tonight, I'll sleep better." I kissed him on the lips once again.

"Sounds good." He said whispering throwing a wink at me.

Jimmy helped me up to my feet, grabbing my hand and making me stand beside him looking at the hills. It felt like a real life movie. The only stuff I could think about was good, just imagining having a family with Jimmy. Waking up every damn morning and realizing how happy I truly am, no drugs, no groupies, just pure children running around and playing. Mine and Jimmys children of course. I would give them the things I never had as a child, I want their lives to be good, and memorable.

"I love you James."

"I love you to the moon and back Harlow, I want you to be mine forever."


Okay so I had to rewrite some of my old chapters since autocorrect is ruining everything yay

I forgot to change to my English keyboard while writing them so that's why some weird words popped up hhhhhh

This chapter wasn't really my favorite but I tried to make it as good as possible, I hope you enjoyed reading it teehee

I have lots of family issues and school atm so that's why I haven't been really active on here

I'll keep you guys updated hhhhhhhhhhhhh

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