7. Oops I caught the feels

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Due to editing of the story, the writing style is slightly different and the mistakes will appear alot more. I will edit the next Chapters as soon as possible too. :)

"Ok are you ready boke?" Kageyama asks.

"Yes I am and I'm not a boke! Stupid Kageyama" Hinata says pouting.

"Ok. 1..... 2.... 3... GO" Kageyama sets the ball.


The ball lands on the other side of the net. A perfect spike.

"wow" Hinata whispers full of joy.

"But I didn't remember anything" Hinata says his smile fadeing away.

"Let's head home then it is getting dark we can try again tomorrow." Kageyama says.

"Ok-" hinata begins but gets interrupted by a familiar fwoosh, 2 big beautiful wings popping out of Hinata's back, ripping Kageyama's shirt.

"oh right sorry about your shirt" Hinata says.

"Wait can you maybe fly us home? It is dark nobody would see us and I always wanted to fly" Kageyama says his eyes sparkling.

"I could try I guess" Hinata anwseres, a bit taken aback.

Get on my back and hold on thight. Kageyama puts his hands on Hinata's shoulders. Hinata jumps and just a second later Kageyama opens his eyes he'd been shutting anxiously before.

They were up in the sky the stars shining. It was a beautiful view. The night wind was cold but Kageyama didn't care this was the best thing he ever did. Hinata's skin was really warm against him. Kageyama felt really safe. He didn't know what it was but a feeling began in his gut until his whole body was melting into the warmth of the other boys. He wanted this moment to never end. Than he realised something he's been putting off for some time now.

"Am I in love with Hinata?" he thought.

Kageyama went through all his memories and feelings about the boy. He felt stupid, he has known Hinata for barely a few days. Somehow he felt connected to him. Whenever he looked into those brown eyes of his he has a deja vu. He got lost in his train off thoughts which were definitely going off the rails.

"But Hinata just sees me as a Friend" a wave of hurt hit him. This caused him to latch even thighter onto Hinata as if he was going to just disappear before his eyes.

Hinata feels the black-haired boy grab onto him tighter.
"OI Kags you scared up here?" he giggles.
"of course not boke!" Kageyama complains.

Finally they land unfront of Kageyamas house. Hinata stands in front of him those  brown eyes locking with his.

On his tip toes the boy plants a kiss on Kageyamas lips. He is about to pull away again when Kageyama grabs his face.
The boy stares at him with confusion in his eyes while Kageyamas Hand rests on his cheek.

A fwooop breaks the silence and Kageyama pulls his Hand away again coming to the realisation that this meant nothing. It never did. It never will.



Both of them get ready to sleep. Hinata us exhausted from their adventure and falls asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow. Tobio on the other hand is not so lucky. He can't sleep. The memories from today keep replaying in his head like a brocken DVD.

Kageyama softly slides his finger over the other boys cheek.

"Sorry I know I'm just a friend I don't want to make anything wierd it is new for me too." Kageyama whispers. He lifts his finger from Hinata's face and slides through his red spikes.

Ooooh finally some kagehina action. Thank you for reading!

"My angel" - Kagehina [ENG] जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें