Chapter 14

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Random Patient POv and thoughts

I heard screaming in the room besides me and i dont know what it is though. THen the nurse comes into the room and gives me medicine and i slowly drift to sleep...

NIck Pov and thoughts

I woke up with Matt shaking me. He told me " We are going to leave together. With indigo. All alone. No one else. Screw the others were going to run for it.." He said. I nodded and got out of the hospital bed. Me matt and indigo walked out of the doors in our normal clothes and ran. We ran to the hotel and got our things. we took the next flight back to Virginia.

Matt pov and thoughts

We are leaving. We are going home. Stevie and Hope and Jayda dont know yet. When we got on the plane, Nick was in the middle, while  i had the isle seat and Indigo had the window seat.

Nick pov and thoughts

I tried to go to sleep and then Matt started shaking me. I looked at him and he told me to look behing us. A girl was glaring at me and then when she saw me she smiled and i noticed it was my mom.  I waved and she texted me. "Why are you coming home now?" I replied saying "Were you stalking me?" I looked back and she shook her head. "I was visiting your new step dad." I opened my mouth in awe. " I have a new dad you never told me about?" I asked. She nodded and i started crying. I looked at her finger and sure enough there was a ring on it.

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