"or Zane😗" Anna said then puckered her lips and Lilia spit out her coffee all over Anna. Anna's mouth dropped but then she started laughing because lilia was laughing and I did too😂.

~Jayden pov

4:40 pm

Annie definitely sleeping now or if not it's late late at night in LA. I'm riding bikes with lily and Zane. We stopped by this big ass building for a break but then we started getting curious.

"what are the odds we go inside that place" Zane said to me and lily with a smile

"are you dumb? That place is abandoned" lily said to him

"it's an abandoned mental hospital" I said reading the sign

"great that's exactly where lily needs to be. Go on home lily." Zane said then she started hitting him while he laughed and I laughed too😂.

"y'all are bitches" she said while crossing her arms. I put my arm around her shoulders.

"i love you he doesn't" I said to her

"that's true" Zane said with a smile

"Zane I will punch you in your balls" lily said to him in a serious tone

"try me" he said

"no we're going to explore this place. Maybe we can find a souvenir and take back home." I said to them

"okay fine. But if I get scared I'm grabbing whatever is near me, so if it's your hand Jayden i won't hurt you but if its his balls I'm yanking that bitch" lily said

"ouch" Zane said while grabbing his balls. I rolled my eyes.

"let's go already" I said then we walked inside. It's not dark at the front of the building but the farther you go it gets darker. We split up but came back together once we didn't find anything interesting. We're in this book room with a tall later in it.

"this is bogus. Nothing is here. Why are we here?" Lily said while hopping up on the table

"i saw this knight standing by the door and I thought it was a person so I came back to y'all ASAP" Zane said then we chuckled softly

"pussy boy" lily said with a smile

"dick girl" Zane said

"that's what i suck😏" she said with a smirk

"aren't you bi?" Zane asked her

"yeah but i suck dick more than eating pussy now since Jayden can't give it to me anymore" she said then looked at me. SHE DIDNT JUST SAW THAT INFRONT OF HIS FACE😳. He wasn't supposed to knowwww🤦🏼‍♀️. Zane looked so shocked. His jaw was dropped and he ran his fingers through his hair and turned the other way. I looked at lily and she looked confused.

"i thought you told him" she said softly to me

"i didn't tell anybody" I said softly

"when i told you wanted people to know about us being fuck buddies so they'd back off you, you didn't tell them?" She asked softly. I shook my head.

"why?" She asked softly

"it didn't feel right i didn't want people to see you as more of a hoe" I said softly

"THEY SEE ME AS A HOE?" Lily yelled

"duuuudee y'all fucked around😧" Zane asked looking shocked

"shut up Zane!" Lily shouted at him

"yes everyone seen you as a hoe and if I said anything about what we did they would've looked down on you more I was protecting you" I said to her

"it's just..I'm mad..why would they think that?" She asked

"you really want me to bring up the past?" I asked her

"nevermind" she said softly

"y'all fucked aroundddd" Zane said

"yes we did but we were both single" I said

"noooo we fucked around at the end of you and devs relationship and all during you and Stephanie's" she said

"ssshhh!" I said. Lily just smiled.

"sexy ass had me horny" she said with a smile

"damn Jayden you be cheating like a hoe" Zane said

"she do" she said

"I got it from you" I said to her

"you make your own choices not me baby" she said with a smile. We heard something fall down and we all got super close.

"hello?" Zane said. No answer.

"I don't know about y'all but I'm getting the FUCK outta right now" lily said to us then took off running and we followed her out. Once we got out we were out of breath. We got on our bikes and rode all the way back to the hotel rooms. Never doing that again.

Close Friends?🥰 ~jaynnie حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن