Bibliography: Dragon Shapes China

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Bibliography: Dragons Shape China

My stories tell the importance and respect the dragon gained and has in the Chinese culture. If I misrepresent anything please let me know.
As a storyteller, I want adults and children to know why Dragons are significant. My stories tell the history of and the respect the dragon gained and has in the Chinese culture and mythology. If I misrepresent anything, please let me know.

The Enchanted World: Dragons, 'The Cosmic Division of Labor,' editors of TimeLife Books, May 1984, ISBN:0809452081, 149 pages.
(Describes types of dragons the world.)

Behold... the Dragon, Gail Gibbons, author and illustrator, Harper Collins, 1999, 32 pages. (Drawings and information of different dragons through time.)

Myths and Legends of China, E.T.C. Werner, Dover Publications, 1994, first edition, George G. Harrap & Co., London, 1922, 454 pages.
(One exceptional source, in-depth tellings, good detail histories.)

Made in China, Ideas and Inventions from Ancient China, Suzanne Williams, illustration selected Andrea Fong, Pacific View Press, Berkeley, CA, 1996, 48 pages.

Dictionary of Chinese Symbols: Hidden Symbols in Chinese Life and Thought, Wolfram Eberhard, Talyor, and Francis Publishers, 1986, 2005 and 2015, 400 + symbols, 384 pages. ("The late Wolfram Eberhard, a former instructor at Peking National University, unfolds the story behind over 400 Chinese characters giving the reader a vivid insight into Chinese life and thought." review)

The Wisdom of China and India, 'Part two: The Wisdom of China', edited by Lin Yutang, 9thedition, Random House, New York, 1942, pages 567-1104. (One great, outstanding wealth of history and stories.)

****© Asian Art Museum of San Francisco Storytelling Manual for CHINA, prepared by the Asian Art Museum Storytelling and Education Department, San Francisco, CA, Helen Mary Stein, 1998, Revised 2002 – not to be published only for educational usage. ('The Dragon Chart' is from the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, "Family Activities Guide, CHINA: 5,000 Years.) (I told Chinese stories in the Chinese Galleries of 12 years, 2000 to 2012.)

Understanding Asian Culture Through Art, Dr. Robert Kohls art historian, May 5, 2003, Osher Gallery, Asian Art Museum.

Customs of China, Thinking Through Clothes, Poala Zamperin,
March 21, 2003, Osher Gallery, Asian Art Museum

Chinese Myths and Legends, 'Chinese Dynasties,' p.11, 'Pan Gu and the Creation of the Universe,' pp. 14-16, and 'The Dragon's Pearl,' pp. 111-114, O.B. Duane and N. Hutchison, 1998, Brockhampton Press, first edition, pages 128.

Westlake, A Collection of Folktales, 'The Bright Pearl', 'Mei Lang and the Dragon,' by Cheng Shifa (Author), Yvonne Walls (Illustrator), Jan Walls (Translator), Chinese to English, published in Hong Kong, on Amazon, 1986, pages 189.

Dragon, Gods, & Spirits from Chinese Mythology, 'The Dragon Pearl', Tao Tao Liu Sanders, Schocken Books, New York, 1980.

Chinese Folktales, 'Dragon Pond', Howard Gishard, McGraw-Hill/Glencoe, pages, 271, 1977.(93 tales written by Chinese students)

Multicultural Fables and Fairy Tales, 'Mei-Ling and the Dragon,' Tara McCarthy, Scholastic Professional Books, 1993, Grades 1-4, pages 112.

Chinese Myths of Creation, Five Heavenly Emperors, 'Birth of the Alphabet,' Song Nan Zhang, Tundra Books, 1994, pages 26.

The Serpent Slayer and Other Stories of Strong Women, 'The Serpent Slayer.' retold and written by Katrin Tchana, illustrator Trina Schart Hyman, Little, Brown & CO, 2000.

Chinese Fairy & Folktales, 'Li Chi Slay the Serpent,' translated and edited by Moss Rabitz story from Kan Pao.

The Moon Maiden and Other Tales, 'Li Chi Slays the Serpent,' Hua Lony, China Books, San Francisco, 1993, p, 30. (Chin Dynasty 265-420)

Sweet and Sour, 'The Serpent Slayer,' retold by Carol Kendal and Li, Yao-Wen, illustrator Shirley Felts, Clarion Books, New York, 1978 re-issued in 2007, pages 33-38.

A Time of Golden Dragons, Song Nan Zhana, author and illustrator, Hao Yu Zhana, author, 1964, Beijing Son, 1990, Canada, 2000, Tundra Books, 2006.

Mythical Birds and Beast from Many Lands, 'The Dragon,' author, Margaret Mayo, Illustrator Jane Ray, Dutton, 1996, pp 42 to 54. (The myth of the Dragon Gate about fish who jump the fall to become dragons.),, simple for children., Traditions - Myths and Legends, "The Story of Ma Liang, The Magic Paint Brush,"

Liang and the Magic Paintbrush, Demi, Henry Holt and Company, New York, 1988.

The Magic Brush, T. T. Mui, Robert B. Goodman, Robert A. Spicer, An Island Heritage Ltd. Book, 1974.

Chinese Fairy Tales Being a Collection of Ancient Legends, 'Poet and the Peony', Illustrator Valenti Angelo, Peter Pauper Press, Mount Vernon, New York, First Edition 1938, page 67, illustrator, Sonia Roetter, 1946.

The Dragon Book, 'The Chinese Dragons,' E. D. Edwards, William Hodgee & Co. London, Edinburgh, and Glasgow, 1938, pages 161 to 164.

Mythical Monsters, 'The Dragon Keeper,' Charles Gould's, Chapter VII the fable retold by Lu Kuei-Meng in the 9th Century AD, 1886, W. H. Allen & Co, 13 Waterloo Place, SW, pp 212-247. ("Author's absences in China" and manuscript left his hands. p 11. Interesting no way to check the facts.)

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